M. F. Husain’s exhibition in Newyork cancelled after Hindus’ protests !

via Forum for Hindu Awakening published on October 6, 2011

USA, 4 October 2011. Forum for Hindu Awakening has learned from the organizers (SAMAA) of Late M. F. Husain’s paintings’ exhibition at Hema Malini’s 1st October New York dance concert that they had canceled the exhibition upon receiving emails from protesting Hindus. The organizers wrote, “On behalf of SAMAA, we apologize to all of you if we hurt your sentiments. Hemaji was unaware of such an exhibition. As soon as we received your emails, we cancelled the exhibition. As soon as Hemaji came to know about the exhibition, she totally opposed it and did not want to be any part of it.”

The organizers also forwarded us confirmation from officials of New York University (NYU) Skirball Center for the Performing Arts, where the concert was held, that no painting of M. F. Husain was displayed at the center. The NYU Skirball Center’s Senior Director, Michael Harrington wrote, “It is our understanding that no work of the artist in question was displayed at either the Skirball Center or Kimmel Center on October 1.” As well, Jonathan Ross of NYU wrote, “To add to Michael’s email, the university will not be making a formal statement, but I can certainly assert that as per our agreement on Saturday, no works by MF Hussain were displayed at the Kimmel or Skirball Centers at NYU.”

On 1st October 2001, Forum for Hindu Awakening had received a complaint about the exhibition to be held during the post concert reception that evening. Forum for Hindu Awakening immediately appealed to Hindus across USA and India to write to the event organizers, requesting cancellation of the exhibition by Late M. F. Husain, who has blatantly denigrated Hindu Deities through his paintings. Considering Hema Malini’s public official standing (as an Ex-MP and current official of India’s political party, the Bharatiya Janata Party) among Hindus in India and abroad, Hindus were urged to reach out to Bharatiya Janata Party contacts and Hema Malini, to request her to perform only if this exhibition is canceled. Within hours, many Hindus had promptly protested by email and phone to the organizers, and tried to reach Hema Malini via Bharatiya Janata Party contacts. Despite the short notice, a Caribbean Hindu gentleman, Patanjali Rambrich had also stood outside the concert venue, giving out flyers to the concert goers, creating awareness about the issue. Today, upon receiving the news of this exhibition not being held due to protests, Hindus worldwide are paying gratitude to the divine for this welcome news during their observance of the auspicious Navratri (nine-night-long Hindu observance of fasting and devotion unto Divine Energy or Shakti).

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