Linear Thinking and Islamic Indoctrination

published on December 26, 2009


Ayesha Siddiqa
Ref Your article onLinear Thinking “: (DAWN, Friday, 25th December, 2009)

The article is written with good intentions. You have skillfully analyzed the uncomfortable reality and the savage truth behind Linear Thinking.  But you have deliberately ignored Islamic Linear Thinking.
As a closed, non-compromising, reductionist dogma, Islam is replete with linear thinking. Is it not fair to say, Pakistani politicians are conditioned with Linear thinking because of their Islamic indoctrination? As followers of the closed Islamic dogma, Islamists are compelled to follow linear thinking, since Muslims are trapped in it at an early age. If we are to make any progress, we must dispose of such Linear, reductionist and mechanical thinking.
People who follow linear thinking have always a temptation to simplify problems facing them into clear-cut categories or dichotomies of black or white, right or wrong. For muslims, It is islam vs. kafirs. it is necessary to recognize the broader perspective, wholistic thinking as the best way of looking at a problem. The question we need to raise when choosing  a theory for analyzing a complex issue: Is linear thing allow us to include all the varibales?  most of the Pakistani islamic fundamentalists are using the inappropriate liner thinking in finding a solution for complex problems. It may be like trying to dig a canal with a spoon. It is necessary to understand systemic thinking and have a  wholistic frame of mind for dealing with complex problems. The sooner Pakistani Muslims abandon narrow, sectarian reductionist- Linear Thinking and their exclusive islamic dogmatism, they will be able to embrace democracy, tolerance, humanism, peace and progress.

Thank you for your clear views on Linear Thinking

Dr. Babu Suseelan

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