Let us mourn the demise of the only Hindu Nation

via HK Group published on May 19, 2006

It is a time you must spare a minute and mourn the demise of the only Hindu Nation that existed on the globe. Nepal Parliament has passed a bill declaring that country as a democratic secular state. Powers of the King including that of his position as Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces have been taken away reducing his status to that of a President in a democratic country.


There is reason for the Leftists supporting the UPA government to rejoice on this occasion since they have succeeded yet again in pleasing their masters in China and the UPA government under guidance of Sonia could smile a bit since they too succeeded in pleasing the US Administration.


In reality, for the past many years, the Hindu Nation Nepal has been a safe place for the Jihadis, Taliban, Pakistanis etc. who were conducting their covert and avert operations from there. The pro-China Maoist groups were gaining strength day by day which lead to the developments that  turned out this way. 


One fifth of the world population is in India and over 80% of that population is known as Hindus. Unfortunately, they never had the will or determination to project as a Hindu nation. Champions of democracy in the country and the over enthusiastic politicians longing to project themselves as apostles of secularism has ruined this country to the tilt and a come back is next to impossible. How could such a country care for a neighboring Hindu nation and help them uphold the values they natured so far and hold them in tact.


China cannot allow any thing to happen in Nepal the way it happened with Sikkim. America definitely wish to have a footing on this Himalayan nation and when they have an ally like India at disposal to serve their interests, why not make them also a `Secular’ state. Surprisingly, no body had a problem when so many Islamic Republic took shape with the breaking away of USSR and even when the small Bangla Desh declared themselves an Islamic Republic.  May be they are brothers with hands in one glove as demonstrated in Delhi against the screening of the controversial film `Da Vinci Code’. What a brotherhood they displayed? Amazing!!


As a hapless lot, let us mourn the demise the last Hindu Nation on the globe.What else we could do as citizens of a peace loving democratic republic which stands for secularism?

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