Let the tragedy of India, not repeat itself in the U.S

published on June 6, 2010

 ( Speech Delivered by Shri Dr Babu Suseelan, Today addressing Hundreds of American Protesters assembled in New York )


Dr. Babu Suseelan

On behalf of the Indians in America and the Indian American Intellectuals Forum, it gives me immense pleasure to know that American citizens have woken up to the suffocating, totalitarian closed political dogma which is paraded as a religion.

Now the descendants of the closed political dogma which is meant for invasion, destruction, plunder and looting have decided to construct a 13 story Mosque at Ground Zero. We are assembled here to protest construction of a huge Mosque at Ground Zero. Why, we American citizens of different faith protesting construction of a huge Mosque at Ground Zero where 3000 people were killed by terrorists?

For us, Ground Zero is a war memorial, a burial ground, a sacred ground to American citizens. Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, the Islamic leader of the Mosque construction group say the Mosque is intended to show good will. How can a huge Mosque show good will to the 3000 innocent people killed by the terrorists who used to worship Allah at their Mosques?  More than 12900 people have died due to Jihad terrorism since 9/11. It is just like destroying cemeteries of soldiers in Japan or in Germany to show good will toward the Japanese and Germans. It is not part of our culture. Islamists plan to construct a Mosque at Ground Zero shows a lack of consideration and empathy for the victims of terrorism.

What is a Mosque?  The Islamic Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it clearly: “Mosques are our barracks, the Domes are helmets, the minarets are bayonets and the faithful are soldiers.” The Islamic Turkish prime minister’s version is same as that of Bin laden, Nasrallah, Ayatollah Khomeini, and Imam Awlaki.  What does building a huge barrack (Mosque) at Ground Zero where more than 3000 people were perished by the Jihadi attack on 9/11 really mean? Is it an attempt on the part of Muslims to repeat Islamic history in America?                                            
Traditionally Muslims have destroyed houses of worship built by virtually every other faith under the sun. Worldwide Islam has plundered tens of thousands of Christian, Jewish, Hindu and Buddhist Churches, Synagogues, Temples and Monasteries.  Then, in the interest of Jihad, Islam has claimed all these religious places of others as their own.

To allow a Mosque at a place Jihadis destroyed on 9/11 would amount to formally blessing Islam’s 1400 year tradition of exclusivity and suppression of all other faiths.

Intelligence agencies and investigating officers on terrorism have reported that Mosques are breeding ground for Jihadi terrorist. Many Mullahs and Imams fulminate regularly and openly against non-Muslims from the pulpit after Friday prayers. They preach that all infidels be given the choice between conversion or death.

 In India, invading Arab Muslims have destroyed more than 3000 Hindu temples and constructed Mosques on Temple sites. India lost half of its territory to Muslims. Once a person is converted forcefully to Islam, reconversion is not allowed. Present day Muslims in Afghanistan and Pakistan were either Buddhists are Hindus and were forcefully converted. What have they produced other than terrorists?  Pakistan for example, produce more than 10000 Jihad terrorists per year and send them around the world for terrorism.     

It happened in Persia, Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Jerusalem, Istanbul, Bulgaria and Spain. Construction of a Mosque at Ground Zero may be viewed an attempt to repeat Islamic history in America. The Mosques at Ground Zero will represent an icon in the Islamic world for the global Jihad.

Muslims must show understanding and respect sentiments and wounded feelings of Americans. Muslims cannot put a Mosque on top of Ground Zero the way they put Mosques at Ayodhya, Kashi, Mathura, Damascus, and on the Top of Temple Mount in Jerusalem. That is how this proposed Mosque is perceived and Muslims must have to be sensitive to that.

Construction of a place of worship has to be a building of love and compassion and not a building of power or to praise the ego of a fictitious entity. The prayer hall must never be a training ground for faithful soldiers for terrorism as stated by the Islamic Prime Minister of Turkey. If the Mosque is meant for preaching hatred and to divide people just forget about it and we must see to it that no one breaks the customs and values of this great nation. There is nothing in the Mosque about love of all mankind but only hatred of others. Women honored around the world, are discriminated in the house of prayer.
The Mosque is not their concession to peace and reconciliation but a powerful symbol of defiance and the excuse to build more of them, fooling us by waving olive branch before our eyes. That’s what Mohammed did offering peace where he was cornered or outnumbered, and then launched surprise attack.
America is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Freedom is all its form is our greatest legacy. Individual religious freedom is enshrined in our constitution. There is no document more important as a guarantor of religious freedom than the U.S constitution. We should not allow a huge barrack (Mosque) where Imams can preach hatred and train soldiers who has no faith in our constitution or liberty. We value freedom, creativity, reason and progressive ideas.  Unlike us, people who follow the totalitarian political ideology originated in the 6th century do not seem to understand or cherish our constitution and the timeless principles of liberty. We value reason, creative thinking, and positive life. Jihadists hate reasoning, and love death. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is our motto. America remains as the last bastion of human freedom and democracy. We should not buckle, bend or collapse before the violent forces of Islam.  After this one Mosque is allowed to be built Mosques will be mushrooming across America. There will be nothing stopping Islamic offensive after that. Do we have to invite or permit people who want to die for a fictitious entity and to exploit our freedom, and thrive in this country?
The U.S constitution guarantees freedom of expression. It is a document of equality of man and women. Koran on the other hand is most dictatorial, intolerant, divisive and evil instigator against the non-Muslims calling them kaffir or infidels. In this context the proposed Mosque in New York City is yet another daring act of sheer provocation that will become a rallying point for the world’s worst  fascists called Muslims. How is their record of brutality and intolerance any difference from that of the Nazis?

Judging by the agenda of Muslims behind the Cordoba project foisting on the American people, these dangerous people could use a refresher course on American values, customs and practices. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf claims that it will bridge the great divide between Muslims and the rest of America. Is he practicing Islamic Takia on us?  (Takia is Islamic concept of use of deception to forward and propagate Islam).

The Kuwaiti born Faisal Abdul Rauf who is behind the Mosque project present himself as a moderate Muslim. Yet Faisal Abdul Rauf also boats of his connection with Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization.  Now the same Rauf is set to construct a Mosque at ground Zero, which he claims will prove that Islam is not a violent faith.  The term moderate Muslim is a misnomer. Muslims claim that Islam is a compete and completed religion and it does not need any reformation, renaissance or revision. Those who oppose or protest the content of the Koran or Hadith will be called apostate and beheaded. If Imam Rauf is sincere and committed for peace, he should work sincerely for removing 164 Jihad versus in the Koran that advocates violence and terrorism against infidels.

Attack on Christians, Jews, Hindus and all infidels is a tragic reminder of Islam.  Bigotry in Islamic country is expressed in a variety of ways. Violence, terrorism, beheading, stoning, honor killing, limb amputation and hostility against those who hold divergent views may be most despicable manifestation of such prejudice but it is by no means the only one. Unlike our constitution and laws, in every Islamic country government statute books are riddled with discriminatory laws. The blasphemy laws are used to harm non Muslims. The culture of intolerance is ingrained in every Muslim.

Islamic law protects only the lives, property and family of Muslims-not all people of all faiths. The Islamic leader never protested Islamic brutal laws against infidels. How can we believe him as Rauf would have us believe.

 This will not be a mere Mosque, but a tower of terrorism to further flex the muscle of militant Islam inside the heart of America. Hope Americans will realize this before it is too late.
Islamic leaders in America may say that there shall be no compulsion in religion (Koran 2:256). But a glance at the rest of the Koran, and at Islamic history, reveals that we should not expect too much from its use. First, the Muslim conception of tolerance applies only to Muslims. People of the book must keep to themselves and pay to Jizya to Muslim rulers. As a matter of doctrine the Islamic conception of tolerance means non Muslims must be subdued, converted or put to the sword.

We are here to protest the Mosque construction. Why?  I quote Einstein “ The world is a dangerous place not because there are bad people doing evil things, but it is because good people who do nothing about it,”

We are here today because our thoughts on American dream.  A nation which does not proceed from noble thoughts is nothing at all. We are here to preserve our liberty, protect our democracy for us and the children yet to be born.

America was established as a nation ruled by law and respect for individual liberty. Some one once said that to be born is a privilege. To die free is an awesome responsibility, because freedom is never free. We are here today to pay a price to protect our freedom from those who subscribes to totalitarian, conflict producing, divisive, reductionist dogma.
We appeal to all Imams and Muslims around the world to allow non-Muslims to construct their Churches, Synagogues or Temples in all 57 Islamic countries in the world. We appeal to all leaders of the free world to study the history of Islam. The media and the intellectuals have a great responsibility to study the intransigence of Muslims and dedicate their service to promote open, pluralistic, tolerant life in all Islamic nations.

Let the tragedy of India, the world’s largest democracy, not repeat itself in the U.S, the world’s strongest democracy.

My dear brothers and sisters of America, please rest assured that in this historic struggle against Islamic tyranny, you are not alone. The entire free world is ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.


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