Killer Drugs and Social Degeneration

By Salil Gewali, Shillong published on July 30, 2016


There are several things that drain the very core strength of a society. The rampant drug abuse by young people is certainly one of them. Yes, many households have their own shares of worries with respect to drug abuse by their children. But they are forced to silently endure them all.

No strange, a lot many adolescents in the towns have taken to this bad habit for various other reasons. The company that one associates with is one of the crucial factors. Well, a good company is always a blessing for an individual, it facilitates for his overall well-being, while the bad company is a huge curse. Most of the youths are usually drawn to substance abuse due to wrong folks they keep as company. The peer pressure is a real bane of the adolescent life, and this is how many fall in a trap. Another bleak aridity in which such habit finds its expression is the unemployment or passivity. An idle mind usually looks for idle sense indulgences. No denying, with the roar of hedonism permeating the society the will power of our youths to “say no” to such dopes has gone virtually downhill.

This aside, an easy availability of illegal drugs is what allows this evil thrive more vigorously. No sweating, no perspiration to catch hold of a drug peddler as in the past. Here a cellphone pulls down the mountain of hurdles. Just by mere texting a message the stuff is delivered at one’s home. The recent Bollywood film ‘Udta Panjab’ has brought out into the open how such underhand deals come off. It also boldly exposed how foxy the big leaders are who without any qualms get involved in what we citizens can hardly ever imagine. Yes, they stoop to the gutter level to fulfill their self-centered missions. Thus, they drug the society only to remain in power or become richer.

Drug abuse

The drug abuse and its trafficking are becoming the biggest challenges to the country. Even in this technologically advanced age the government is literally failed to curb the increasing demand and supply of such life-taking drugs. Of course, the stick of the police to clamp down on the suppliers might be achieved to some extent if the government agencies would put concerted efforts. But, to knock down the awful habit of the misled youths needs a whole lot of efforts and perseverance. The healthy environment in the society is a must for which the government should roll up its sleeves.

The value-based education, what we are so badly bankrupt of these days, is indeed very essential. Many past addicts have fervently confessed that if they were shown the right path and inspired with a fair doses of homilies, and if their parents were a little strict and loving, they would not at all have fallen for such dangerous stimulants. Also, an effective method to combat the drug abuse is through the right teaching of one’s religious values as it is often the most recommended course. Those who do not consider the religion/God as important are three times likelier to use the substance to get high, as per surveys. By seeking the refuge in God the most of the addicts have finally reformed themselves. Interestingly, raising the level inner spiritualism through meditation and Yoga is clinically tested and has been extensively used these days by many rehabilitation centers across the world.
The bottom line is that the parents/guardians must be extra watchful. Keeping in view the deepening chaos in the society the parental responsibilities are higher now than ever before.

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