Kerala pastor’s sexual games in Germany

published on July 1, 2010

From merkur Online de, Munich
Abuse case also in Munich , 01.03.10|München

An abuse case by a Catholic Priest in Munich was kept secret from the public years-long .It arose now because the same priest evidently sexually misused a girl later in a parish in Fürstenfeldbruck

It is same answer when one asks in the parish Aubinger at St. Quirin: Chaplain Shaju was
favorite. the Indian priest out of the diocese Bombay was at his 30 when he came in the
parish of Munich west in March 2002. Already the priests from India are engaged as
chaplains to assist the house and to learn German language.. Father Shaju engaged himself in
the youth work, brought fresh wind into community life, and was always polite and helpful.
When he was transferred after 18 months in rotation in the parish of St. Magdalena in
Fürstenfeldbruck, he felt that the departure was very heavy for him.. Yet father Shaju took
obviously a gloomy secret with him at his new work site: On the 30th of June 2005, at that
time 16-year-old student turned and told to the entrusted of abuse section of the Archdiocese.:
Father Shaju had sexually abused her in his time in Aubing when she was 13.

Michael Bayer, the Vicar of the Brucker parish had reported the case immediately at the
Ordinariats , emphasizing that until there were no suspicion against the chaplain had been
observed at all. Father Shaju was allowed to approach henceforth children, youth and
alterboys and girls no longer and was allowed to make no house visits more. “he was allowed
to read the Holy Mass and give the saceraments.said the Bernhard Kellner, the episcopal
spokesman of the Ordinariats yesterday. Otherwise the process of observation trap was
extensively unnoticed by the public. Father Shaju was convicted in November 2005 because
of multiple constraint and sexual abuse to a proof punishment of a year and nine months as
well as a fine and at the middle of 2006 he was sent back to India. The Ordinariat informed
his prior General. The Brucker community found out, admittedly, nothing, who have given
funds to the priest who had engaged and collected donations for the Tsunami victims in his
native country even in a rushing resignation. There were no investigations whether father
Shaju could let the Brucker community into debts. – an unhappy decision how Waiter clears
today. What concerns the secrecy, it lies in the judgement of the vicar to inform the church
people. „ As a vicar one does not ask, there gives higher powers “, says Bayer.

The action would have probably totally forgotten, if at the end of last week two families had
not confided the Brucker vicar and turned to the public prosecutor’s office. Their reproach:
Also in Saint Magdalena father Shaju should have experienced pädophile inclinations (Sex
attraction to Children). The victims: two girls under age.

„ We are glad that the victims have found the courage “, stresses Waiter. One wants to clear
up the case now completely and also inform the Indian order once more. Any more one
cannot undertake . „ Our arm will not reach to India. “

Report From Ingrid Müller und Peter T. Schmidt
Original report

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