Jihadis are Celeberating

via Daily Pioneer Editorial published on October 2, 2009

The report, based on exhaustive investigations, published in The New York Times on how the Lashkar-e-Tayyeba is alive and kicking in Pakistan, how its cadre continue to receive weapons and training, how the linkages between this Islamic terrorist organisation and the ISI remain undisrupted, and how little or nothing has changed at the ground level in that benighted country despite all the bunkum we hear about international pressure, American coercion, and lofty promises by Islamabad to mend its behaviour, only serves to underscore what India has maintained all along, especially since 26/11. The ghastly terrorist strike on Mumbai on November 26 last year, preceded by equally shocking jihadiattacks in cities across India, were manifestations of Pakistan’s policy of promoting cross-border terrorism. That nothing has changed between then and now demonstrates Islamabad has not given up this policy. Indeed, it was never expected to do so, although the West, more so the US, eager to mollycoddle Pakistan in the misplaced hope that it would contain jihadi attacks on their countries and civilians, insisted that Islamabad was willing to turn a new leaf. Towards this end, everybody has reached for his chequebook; US President Barack Obama has written out a cheque for $ 1.5 billion and promised to pay the same amount every year for the next five years. The Pakistani establishment, of which the Army is an integral part, is understandably jubilant: Through the expedient means of attacking India with the help of blood-thirsty jihadis, it has managed to extort billions of dollars which will now be used for feathering the nests of corrupt Generals and politicians, funding terrorist organisations like Lashkar-e-Tayyeba, and acquiring weapons to be used against India. This has been the pattern ever since America began providing ‘aid’ to Pakistan; this will remain the pattern till such time the Pakistani state as we know it exists.


Therefore, it makes little or no sense to protest against American aid to Pakistan — Washington, DC is fully aware of how Islamabad spends the money that is provided to it under the guise of strengthening democracy and aiding social development. Numerous audit reports prepared by official American organisations have shown how money is stolen by those in power, including Generals, how it is used for expanding the jihadi network, and how both conventional and non-conventional weapons have been acquired by diverting civilian aid. Yet, there has been no cut-back in American aid; on the contrary, the quantum has increased by leaps and bounds with each passing year. If the Pakistani regime’s pledge to fight terror and disband the jihad factories that exist on territory under its control have proved to be hollow, America’s concern about Pakistan’s export of terror has been shown up to be no more than bogus. In this situation, India must act unilaterally and take all steps that are in its national interest. There is no reason why we should be bothered about American interest; the US can fight its own battles, we will fight ours on our terms and conditions. Tragically, the UPA Government is seen as lacking in political courage and determination to do that which is right for India. The Prime Minister has made India’s foreign policy hostage to American policy and is eager to please the US Administration, irrespective of the cost which the nation has to pay for his folly. Pakistan has every reason to smile.

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