Japan promotes while India demotes Sanskrit

published on September 13, 2009

Lauding Japan for Sanskrit conference, restoring Sanskrit

Sep 8th, 2009 | By NVO Bureau |

USA: Hindus have applauded Japan’s Kyoto University for hosting prestigious World Sanskrit Conference, which concluded on September five.


Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, while lauding Kyoto University, strongly criticized India Government for not doing enough for Sanskrit promotion. Sanskrit should be restored to its rightful place and needed to be brought to the mainstream and hidden scientific truths in ancient Sanskrit literature should be brought to light, Zed pointed out.


Jointly organized by International Association of Sanskrit Studies, Kyoto University, Association for the Study of the History of Indian Thought, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Mitsubishi Foundation, etc.; this five-day 14th World Sanskrit Conference covered a wide variety of topics, including: Vedas, linguistics, epics and Puranas, Agamas and Tantras, vyakarana, scientific literature, ritual studies, yoga, Parsi Sanskrit, Sanskrit law, Mahabharata, Yogin versus Vedantin, Sanskrit riddles, Sa?khya thought, dharma, Kashmir Saivism, Solar and lunar lines in the Sanskrit epics, miscarriage in ayurvedic literature, relationship between God and the world, etc. Muneo Tokunaga chaired the organizing committee, while renowned Sanskrit scholars from all over the world participated, including: Masato Fujii, Jared Klein, James Fitzgerald, Shingo Einoo, George Cardona, Yigal Bronner, Takanobu Takahashi, Dominik Wujastyk, Karin Preisendanz, Akira Saito, Nalini Balbir, Mark Siderits, Noel Sheth, Yasuke Ikari, Hans Bakker, Patrick Olivelle, Axel Michaels, Masaaki Hattori, etc. Previous such conferences were held in Edinburg (United Kingdom, 2006), Helsinki (Finland, 2003), Torino (Italy, 2000).


Zed, who is president or Universal Society of Hinduism, asked India Government to do much more for the development, propagation, encouragement and promotion of Sanskrit in India and the world, which was essential for the development of India and preservation of its cultural heritage. Sanskrit also provided the theoretical foundation of ancient sciences.


Rajan Zed stressed that India Government should establish a world-level national library of Sanskrit besides Sanskrit libraries in each state; make Sanskrit available as a subject in all secondary, under-graduate, graduate, and doctoral schools in India; provide Sanskrit teachers’ training courses in all the states; enrich manuscripts collections; publish rare manuscripts; provide easily accessible distance learning courses for learners world over; coordinate the Sanskrit research done around the globe; frequently organize world level research conferences; provide generous funding for research projects; etc.



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