“It is no use spitting at the Sun” – Intellectual Kshatriya’s letter to American evangelist

published on February 15, 2010

Pat Robertson, infamous American televangelist, sees the hand of God in the earthquake, wreaking terrible retribution for a 1791 pact that the Haitians made with the Devil, to help to rid them of their French masters

Read Full Report Here – Hear the rumble of Christian hypocrisy
 by Richard Dawkins




On 23 March 1995, Pat Robertson appeared on the “700 Club” T.V. show, which he controls, and started by saying that Hinduism was devil-worship and despicable idolatry responsible for India’s poverty and other ills. ‘ Of all of India’s problems ‘, he proclaimed, ‘ one stands out from the rest. That problem is idol worship. It is said that there are hundreds of millions of Hindu deities. All this has put the nation in bondage to spiritual forces that have deceived many for thousands of years ‘. According to him, Hindus ‘ are out to kill other human beings in the name of their God ‘. And he appealed to his countrymen to keep Hindus and Hinduism out of the USA. ‘ We are importing Hinduism into America ‘, he mourned. ‘ We can’t let that stuff come into America ‘, he warned. At the same time, he assured his audience that Hindus were hungering for and in desperate need of Jesus Christ”. ( pp-486 )



(pp- 486 – 488)

Dear Mr. Robertson,

Some friends in the USA – the country of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Walt Whitman and Mark Twain, and a land par excellence of liberal humanism – have drawn my attention to your recent fulminations against Hinduism, Hindus and India.

My first reaction was sheer amusement at this latest spectacle of patent Christian tantrums. I am familiar with what Christian theologians, missionaries and windbags have been saying about our religion, our people, and our country since the days of St. Hippolytus (230 A.D.), more particularly since 1542 A.D. when the Patron Saint of Pirates, Francis Xavier, reached our shores. Thousands of shelves in hundreds of Christian seminaries in India and abroad are laden with the pornography which soldiers of the Only Saviour have produced down the centuries.

I also know that you have to make a living for yourself, and collect money for maintaining the giant missionary apparatus in this country as well as keeping within your fold the RICE CHRISTIANS you have managed to collect during the past four hundred years. I can see that the only way you can do it is by selling to your gullible people the BIG LIE that we are an accursed rabble hungering for Jesus Christ. You are neither the first nor likely to be the last in this cynical enterprise. I have witnessed how Mother Teresa has flourished and become a world figure by plying the same trade with a straight face.

On second thoughts, however, I have decided to pen the lines that follows.

Firstly, I plead that we are living in an age when sinners are coming forward to apologize to the sinned against. I cannot believe that you are unaware of how the Germans have apologized to the Jews and the Japanese to the Koreans. And I think it is high time for Christians to apologize to the Hindus. The crimes which Christian missionaries have committed in this country since the days of Francis Xavier have been documented by Christian scholars themselves.

Secondly, I wish to point out that you have got your priorities wrong. Instead of trying to save the Hindus, you should better try to save whatever has survived of the Totem by which you swear. I have airmailed you a copy of my ‘ Jesus Christ: An Artifice of Aggression ‘, in which I have compiled the conclusions of Christological research in the modern West. It is too late in the day for you to exercise yourself about Hinduism and the Hindus. It may be more profitable for you to address your own dwindling flock in what was once known as Christendom.

Thirdly, I like to draw your attention to the fact that we Hindus are an ancient people and have survived many storms including those mounted by Islam and its elder blood brother – Christianity. We were here long before your Jehovah and Jesus were INVENTED by the diabolical drives in human nature and hurled upon an unsuspecting humanity. And we will be here long after the Bible starts selling as waste paper on pavements around the world. Try to remember the fate of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kempf’ and the ‘Collected Works’ of Lenin / Stalin.

For, Hinduism is a spiritual culture which is intrinsic to the human species, and has never been in need of big battalions, or big money, or big media in order to back it up. Hinduism knows how to find its way to human hearts, no matter how desperate the effort of CONTRIVED CREEDS to shut them tight against all higher aspirations.

Hinduism is Sanatana Dharma, the Perennial Wisdom and Virtue. It is no use spitting at the Sun.


Yours Sincerley,

Sd./ – Sita Ram Goel

15 July 1995


Mr. Pat Robertson
CBN, 977 Centerville Turnpike,
VIRGINIA BEACH, VA 23463 -0001

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