Israeli Premier declares solidarity with army

via HK Correspondent published on July 18, 2006

JERUSALEM: Prime Minister Ehud Olmert  said here on Monday that Israel and its people were being subjected to a criminal war by the Hizbullah terrorists. In a statement issued minutes before an emergency cabinet meeting here, the Prime Minister blamed the Islamic terrorists for the present scenario.  “We have no interest or desire to hurt the Lebanese or the Palestinian peoples.  We want to live our lives quietly and to be good neighbors,” Mr Olmert said in the statement.


The Prime Minister blamed the Hizbullah for unleashing a reign of terror against the innocent civilians in Israel. “Several days ago, the State of Israel was attacked from the north. This attack follows the terrorist attack from the Gaza Strip.  In both instances, the attacks began without any reason and they are mostly directed against innocent Israeli civilians within the sovereign territory of the State of Israel,” Olmert pointed out.


The statement by the Israeli Prime Minister was in stark contrast to the address to the nation by Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the wake of the July 11 synchronized bomb explosions in Mumbai. While Singh was a picture of despondency and helplessness, Olmert looked assertive and confident. He appreciated the Israeli people for their strong stance against terrorism. “To my regret, there were those who incorrectly interpreted our aspiration to live in peace.  We have no intention to give in to these threats.  We know that many tests yet await us.  Our enemies are trying to disrupt life in Israel – they will fail.  The public is strong and united in this struggle,” said Olmert.


The prime minister exhorted the people that the coming days will not be that peaceful. While warning the perpetrators of terrorism of strong and severe retaliation, he asked the Israelis to maintain vigil over the entire country. “The resolve being demonstrated by the public is an important part of the strength of the State of Israel and we are very proud of this.  We must show patience and forbearance.  This struggle is under no time constraints; this is a daily struggle and we – the Israeli Government and public – will continue to show equanimity, determination and sagacity as necessary.  Our struggle is both moral and just and no other people in the free world would act as we have,” said the prime minister.


Israel is literally in a state of war against Lebanon for the terrorist attacks carried out by the Hizbullah and Hamas against Israel with the active connivance of Lebanon. Both the Hizbullah and Hamas have made it known that they would obliterate the state of Israel from the face of the earth. The UN Secretary General Koffi Annan had  blasted the countries like Lebanon for waging a severe war against Israel. More than two dozen Israel soldiers have been killed and a host of army men were kidnapped by the  Hizbullah terrorists.  The number of Israeli civilians who were murdered by the terrorists too have gone up.  


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