International symposium on terrorism

via HK Correspondent published on April 23, 2006

WASHINGTON : An International Symposium on “Terrorism’s Threat to World Peace and National Security” will be held at Washington, DC on April 28-29, 2006. The Symposium is sponsored by America’s Truth Forum in Association with Basics Project and Indian American Intellectual Forum.


National and International experts on Terrorism from around the world are expected to attend the symposium. Featured speakers include:


Dr. Andrew Bostom, David Horrowitz, Joe Kaufmann, Dr. Harvey Kushner,

Dr. Walid Phares, Dr. Robert Spencer, Dr. Paul Williams, Dr. Bruce Tefft,

Dr. kenneth Timmerman, Dr. Babu Suseelan, Jeff Epstein.


Law Enforcement officials, Experts on anti-terrorism, Terrorism Research professionals, Media professionals and International Terrorism Experts from around the world are expected to participate the symposium.


Interested persons who want to attend the Symposium on Terrorism shall

contact Jeff Epstein, Coordinator of the Conference at 866-709-3474.


More information can be obtained from


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