Indian Railway denigrates Jews

published on February 10, 2007

Anti-Semitism Shows Up in India



A security sign on a train from Goa to Mumbai in India features a written warning to passengers not to take eatables from strangers because they could be drugged and a drawing illustrating two religious Jews reading the Torah. The sign was spotted and photographed by an Israeli tourist two months ago during a journey from Goa to Mumbai.


“This sign is without any doubt racist,” said Iris Alon, “it clearly says that Jews can poison you by giving you food that contains poison.”She added, “It is very irritating to see a sign like this in India. In general there are good relations between Indians and Israeli tourists,and I never thought that such racism existed in the country, and certainly not in a railway operator.”


“What’s worse is that many tourists are exposed to this sign, which makes it that more intense,” said Alon, adding that this particular railway operator is one of the biggest in India.


Alon wrote the Israeli Foreign Ministry and the Israeli Embassy in India
asking that they file a complaint with Indian authorities and demand that the sign be removed.

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