Indian American (sic) Muslim Council sings for its Last Supper

via K Vijayan published on October 1, 2011

IAMC Urges Central Government to Ban Terror Outfits Sanatan Sanstha and Abhinav Bharat – A News Report

The IA is a misnomer, since there is nothing “Indian” about these American Muslims. They should call themselves Pakistani or Bungladeshi Muslim Americans, and not go around parading under false colours.

Let all these Mohammedans realise that before Hindu Spiritual, Social (or even Political) outfits like Sanatan Sanstha, Abhinav Bharat, RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal, Shankaracharya Matams, Ramdev Ashrams etc can be banned every single Madrasa, Mosque, and Waqf Board will have to be banned and shut- down permanently and every single Mohammedan deported to the Fatherland of his Choice.

You cannot wish away the Reality that India is Hindusthan. Hinduism is by nature secular – unlike Islam or Christianity which are genetically, inherently exclusivist, exploitative and commercial Structures.

We ask this scoundrely MC Association why they do not petition their American President to stop openly bombing and murdering “innocent” muslims all over the world?

For that matter why doesn’t the vociferous Mohammedan residing in India, and howling six times a day from his minarets all over India ask the American half-muslim President to stop bombing Pakistan, Afghanistan, Libya . . . . etc?

Maybe they are afraid they will be asked to explain why their Peace Loving MCs bombed the WTC Towers, or why they take American Citizenship, eat American Salt, infiltrate the American Army and cut loose on Americans with the guns supplied by them. They cannot accept the fact that they are bred to be namak-haraams, and it is their Prophet who has made the rules of Islamic Namak Haramism which cannot be breached by any True Believer.

Or may be it is the certainty that the American Police will crush their cojones in worse than the haditically koranically halaal manner if they did.

And just why don’t these Jihadis try to do something for rehabilitating the three hundred thousand Hindus they drove out of Kashmir.

Or do something about rebuilding any one out of the hundreds of thousands of Hindu Temples they destroyed in India.

As far as we are concerned, these MCs are also stooges in American pay like the Headleys and other infamous double agents.

Know that the Sanatan Sanstha or Abhinav Bharat are not yet banned organisation whatever some Sonia stooge may sharamlessly say in dodging a direct reply to an RS query, or some NDTV-Tehelka pre-paid traitors may hint.

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