India ‘Good Friend’ but $2 billion military aid to Pakistan : Barack Hussein Obama

via HK published on November 8, 2010

Media and a section of soceity was celeberating the visit of Obama to India for past few days with minute by minute coverage.

US President signed number of agreements and made a statement that India is an unavoidable power of world. and vowed  to support India’ in it’s move to gain permanent seat in UN’s Security council. He agreed to fight terrorism together – All well and good.

But, it was this same Barak Hussein Obama announced a $2 billion package of military aid to Pakistan last month. American Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton said that America was closely working with Pakistan and would go to any lengths to promote its friendship and mutual ties with Pakistan. She promised to table a bill regarding military aid for Pakistan worth U$. 2 billion, from Congress.

Those freebie arms and amunitions will be used against our own Army safegaurding our Nation from Jihadi’s across the border. The left over will be handed over to Kasab’s brothers to carry out ocassional surprises in our cities.

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