“If they can burn American flags, I can burn the Quran.”

published on September 12, 2010

Man ignites Quran near Ground Zero: Report


An unidentified man ripped pages from a Quran and set them alight at a protest near the proposed site of a Muslim community centre  and mosque near Ground Zero  on Saturday, according to an unconfirmed report in the tabloid NY Daily News..

At the time of going to press, the incident was not reported by any other newspaper or agency. The Daily News quoted the man as saying, “If they can burn American flags, I can burn the Quran.” Before being led away by police, he added, “Americans shouldn’t be afraid to give their opinion.” He was apparently not arrested.

The incident comes after Florida  pastor Terry Jones  threatened to burn the Quran. Saturday’s alleged incident came even as families who lost loved ones during the attacks commemorated the ninth anniversary of the terror attacks at Ground Zero.

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