HSS Protests Terrorist Attacks at Bengaluru and Ahmedabad

published on July 31, 2008

Hindu Swayamsevak Sangh (HSS) of North America strongly condemns the series of bomb blasts at Bengaluru and Ahmedabad, and a similarly planned deadly disaster that was averted by vigilant authorities in Surat, India.
Our prayers and sympathies are with the families and friends of innocents victims who lost their lives and sustained injuries.  This dastardly attack clearly demonstrates the evil intent of terrorists to disrupt the peace and harmony in the region and the economic development of India that Bengaluru and Ahmedabad are leading.  It is a matter of greatest concern that such series of bomb blasts have become all too-frequent across the nation in the recent years.
Although, it has always been commonly assumed and proved beyond any doubt, that such attacks are orchestrated by the masterminds beyond the borders of the nation, no such terrorist acts can be perpetrated without the homegrown support.  Apparently, it is has become too easy to enlist such a tacit support for the miscreants when there is no clear message to the common masses in the country that of integrity of the nation characterized by harmonious and peaceful coexistence of all is of paramount importance. Therefore, it is imperative for the Government of India and the law enforcement and intelligence agencies to come up with a comprehensive investigation beyond this one incident and develop a national strategy not only to avoid such mishaps in the future but also to create the lasting communal harmony that has been  the foundation of our strenth as a pluralistic society. 
Furthermore, the media in a democratic setup, has the responsibility of providing a balanced coverage to encourage communal harmony and national integrity.We urge the media to live up to this rightful expectation.

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