Hindus Abroad: Preserving the past and protecting the future

via HK correspondent in USA published on October 31, 2005

What does it mean to be a Hindu living abroad?How much do you give to preserve your HINDU identity? This is what Hindus abroad should ask themselves today. Many Hindus have melted themselves totally in the western melting pot. Our collective goals, credo, mindset, values, traditions, economic and social status, etc are changing rapidly due to various external factors. And it is affecting our cultural identity in different degrees.

Our history in America is not a very long history. It is at least a history that has continued without disturbances. Our continued existence attests to the fact that we have adapted in this high-tech society, otherwise we would have perished long ago. Hindus in the United States weathered discrimination, rapid social change, uprooting, frequent mobility, closed opportunity systems, radical life styles, constant technological change, and social oppression, both large and insignificant. That is an amazing record for Hindus without any political, economic and social support from the host country and from India.

But this is an age of change and transition. Hindu organizations are in need of reaffirmation and resurgence in the wake of many challenges, which threaten to engulf Hindus all over the world. Our adaptability and survival will depend on our ability to infuse new ideas and developing a systematic perspective on the psychosocial, economic, political problems we face around the world. To be adaptable in the future, we have to make some choices. There are 15 million Non resident Indians in the world. There are many Hindu organizations, websites and a proliferation of special interest groups. There exist several organizations based on a variety of psychosocial, religious and political needs. Furthermore, variety of purposes has been exposed, both explicitly and implicitly. Many organizations and websites duplicate activities spend resources for cross-purposes, and many others are out of step with each other. This is the state of Indians living abroad. Whatever else it seems to be, this picture of the present state of Indians does not add up to accountability, coherence, or common purpose. This situation will not lead Indians to a good future. It can go on like this only for a limited time, this is why it is necessary to consider our survival and the future directions.

History of Indians in Britain, Fiji, South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, Guyana, Surinam, Trinidad, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Barbados, Jamaica and Mauritius demonstrate the historical truth-if people don’t unite and don’t learn from history, history will repeat itself. Whenever Indians were in political social and organizational disarray and conceptual confusion-they were slaughtered and discriminated, subjugated and even wiped out. Even today, Hindus are facing forced religious conversion, terrorism, murder and discrimination around the world. Hindus are also beginning to lose individuality because they are under the power of huge political and social collectives. And it is doubtful if Indians can last much longer without we identifying with Hindu values and ideals. For either it will destroy itself by surrendering to monotheistic religions or hurrying in the wrong direction with misguided secularism and meaningless tolerance.

Haindava keralam is a group of people to take a cold, hard look at the current decay and the decline of Hindu culture and political power. “Haindava keralam” is a website created a to look at the significant and critical issues affecting Hindus around the world. It is an attempt to analyze in a comprehensive manner, the larger context of events and key issues affecting our life in India and abroad. A thorough diagnosis requires moral courage to acknowledge problems. We need your support to discuss common issues and to develop alternative strategies. Are you simply being the passive remnant, or do you try to take our culture back? We must think creatively, act together, because our cultural past and political future are at stake. To preserve our past and protect our future, we need more sober, lucid, responsible action.

Time is running out fast. Every Individual who loves India and Dharma will have to come forward to work together to provide an ideological defense of Hindu culture and Santana Dharma. All who care for our Dharma need to awake arise and work in harmony to enrich our great tradition of high, enduring values.

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