Great news from N ew Jersey court. It is the Independence day of Hindusthan.

via Dr.S.Kalyanaraman published on August 15, 2008

Great news on 15 August 2008 that the New Jersey  Court has dismissed the mischievous case filed against Narain Kataria and others who are fighting a valiant battle for Hindu civil rights.

Sonia (aka Antonia) Maino and her sycophants suffered a massive defeat when a New Jersey court threw out the lawsuit brought upon those who placed a full-page advertisement in the New York Times against Sonia Maino. Congratulations to the victors!

It is time for the empress of 10 Janpath to go back to Luciana. Corrupt politicians should quit politics.

The battle is just joined.

What has been achieved is truly declaration of independence of Hindusthan, and a clarion call to fight the evil, foreign forces trying to take away the hard-won swarajyam — independence from colonial regime — by our ancestors.

Congratulations to all the heroes of the Hindu revolution who have made this happen. The next stops are the interlinked war on corrupt polity and war on terror.

S’ubha kaamanaayen Narain Kataria ji and all Hindu bandhu who owe the debt of gratitude of all one billion Hindus everywhere in their fight for justice, for Hindu civil rights.

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