For Immediate Action – Norway’s Child Protection Services Separates Indian Family

published on January 22, 2012

Eight months ago, Norway’s Child Protective Services removed the children of Indian nationals, Anurup and Sagarika Bhattacharya, and placed them in foster care for feeding their children with their hands and letting the children sleep in the same bed as them. According to the court decision, the children – 3 year old Avigyan and 1 year old Aishwarya – are to be kept in foster care until they are 18, and their parents are permitted to visit them only twice a year for one hour each time.  The Bhattacharya’s visa expires in March, but they will be forced to remain in Norway if they continue to be separated from their children.

Eating with one’s hands is a practice, not only found in India, but also in the West, and has absolutely no logical connection to a parent’s ability to effectively care for or raise his/her children. Similarly, allowing young infants to sleep in the same bed as their parents is common in both Indian and Western societies and is not a justification for removing children from their parents’ home.

This drastic measure by Child Protective Services and the court decision are unconscionable and unbecoming of a democratic society.  The latest report can be found by clicking here.

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