Feeding Beef to Hindu Political Prisoner in Malaysia

via [email protected] published on April 12, 2009

Hindu Rights Action Force (HINDRAF) leader P. Uthayakumar (in the picture) has lodged a police report against Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar for ignoring Hindu sensitivities after allegedly being served beef at the Kamunting Detention Camp where he is being held.
In the report made last Wednesday, he accused Syed Hamid of lying in saying that HINDRAF leaders, being Hindus, are not served dishes containing beef in deference to their religion.
The minister had made the statement to rubbish previous claims by Uthayakumar that the camp authorities had insulted Hindus by allegedly serving dishes with beef.

Uthayakumar alleged that, despite the minister’s statement, he had found pieces of beef in the chicken sambal served for lunch on March 22.“I was served chicken sambal with rice. I (saw) what looked like beef pieces in the chicken sambal”, he said in the report.

“When I checked with detainees working in the kitchen, they confirmed that the beef sambal and chicken sambal were cooked in the same pot. (The chicken was) dished out and put on separate tray and served to me”, he said in the report.He also claimed that the authorities have yet to serve him meals appropriate for a diabetic, despite knowing about his health condition.
Uthayakumar said he will now eat only bread and will not touch any food cooked in the camp kitchen, in protest of the violation of my religious rights as a Hindu and of his constitutional rights.


Hindus constitute around 7.1% of population of Malaysia. As a minority group Hindus face different kinds of discriminations in the predominantly Muslim country. The government of Malaysia had been pursuing an unofficial policy of temple demolitions on one pretext or the other. The official reason given by the Malaysian government has been that the temples were built “illegally.” However, several of the temples were centuries old and predated many mosques which do not receive the same treatment. On October 30, 2007 the 100-year-old Maha Mariamman Temple in Padang Jawa was demolished by Malaysian authorities. Following this Hindu organization under an umbrella coalition HINDRAF organized protests bringing the issue to the notice of the international community. The Malaysian government has since then resoted on persecution of Hindu leaders under the guise of various discriminatory laws. Shri Uthayakumar is one of five HINDRAF leaders who have been detained under the Internal Security Act since late December 2007.


A. Write a letter to the Prime Minister of Malaysia bringing the issues to his notice and demanding immediate action:

1. Mohd. Najib Abdul Razak
Prime Minister of Malaysia
Prime Minister’s Office,
Main Block, Perdana Putra Building,
Federal Government Administration Centre,
62502 Putrajaya, MALAYSIA

2. Call on Tel: 603-8888 8000 (Prime Minister Office) and register your protest/complaint politely and patiently.
3. Fax your protest/complaint on: 603-8888 3443 (Prime Minister Office)
4. Send email to PM Mohd. Najib Abdul Razak on: [email protected]
5. Register your protest/complaint to PM Mohd. Najib Abdul Razak on the link given below:
< http://www3.pmo.gov.my/emaklum/PMFeedback.nsf/logv1?openform>

Register yourself as per the guidelines and then send your protest/complaint.

B. Write your complaint/protest to Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) on the following address:

Tingkat 29, Menara Tun Razak,
Jalan Raja Laut, 50350
Kuala Lumpur
2. Call on: 603-2612 5600
3. Fax : 603-2612 5620
4. Email : [email protected]
5. Explore the website for further informations: < http://www.suhakam.org.my/>

C. Send a copy of your letter to the UNHRC bringing raising the issue at international forum:
Postal address:
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Palais des Nations
CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

D. You may send register your protest at the following number:
Telephone: +41 22 917 9000
Also E-mail your queries in this regards to: [email protected]

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