Fate of Kafirs

published on November 23, 2013

Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW) and Bangladesh Centre for Human Rights and Development (BCHRD) arranged a press conference in association with Global Human Rights Defense (GHRD) on 21st November 2013 at Dhaka Reporters Unity conference room. The conference was presided over by Advocate Rabindra Ghosh, President of BDMW, and conducted by Md. Mahbul Haque of BCHRD. Among others, Mr. Manoranjan Ghoshal, a freedom fighter and Secretary General of Inter Religion Harmony Society (IRHS), Mr. Tushar Rahman, President of Citizen Rights Movements, were present there and spoke. Dr. Gopal Debnath-Professor, also spoken before the journalists. The organizers also presented some minority victims from different districts including Ms. Suniti Saha from Gopalgonj district, Mr. Sontosh Kumar Dutta-Secretary of Falda Central Universal Sree Sree Kali Temple, Bhuapur, Tangail. Many
incidents of repressions with picture and documents were exhibited during Press conference.

Advocate Rabindra Ghosh visualized the real scenario of atrocities on minorities of Bangladesh. Recently hundreds of houses and business establishments have been demolished/burnt fully or partially all around Bangladesh. A number of temples and religious establishments has been vandalized, set on fire, and desecrated from 2009 upto 2013. About 72 minority women have been raped and 50-56 women and children
have been abducted. Land properties of more than one thousand minority families have been grabbed forcefully. More than two hundred minorities have been forcefully converted to other religion. He categorically mentioned a gang-rape case of Hindu victim from Kalkini Upazila of Madaripur district which was investigated by BDMW and GHRD jointly. He also expressed dis-satisfaction for not enabling any arrest by the police despite a considerable time had already elapsed from the date of gang-rape.  He also reminded his country-wide fact finding investigation conducted by a group of Human Rights Activists including visit of  Dr.Richard Benkin – in different parts of the
country who also met Dr. Mohiuddin Khan Alamgir- Home Minister of Bangladesh last February,2013.

Mr. Manoranjan Ghoshal, a freedom fighter and journalist, said, “The persons who are involved in atrocities like raping, looting, grabbing, vandalizing and arson attack on minority properties and lives, they are not Muslims, rather they are just perpetrators. We fought for freedom of Bangladesh for equal rights and co-existence of Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and Christians. However human rights for minority religious communities are being violated randomly. We have to work together to fight against injustice.”

Md. Mahbul Haque said, “Minority communities  are used only for politics of vote-bank in Bangladesh. The main aims and objectives of the perpetrators to torture minority communities with a view to loot their assets, grabbing their properties and forcing them to leave their homeland making this a political issue. Let such unfair activities be stopped.”

Dr. Gopal Debnath, Professor of Zoology Department at Green Herald International School at Dhaka expressed dissatisfaction on the activities of perpetrators and the police. He mentioned that minorities are not safe in Bangladesh as the successive governments of Bangladesh till 1971 totally failed to protect their lives and properties with sincere attitude. He also indicated that causes of migration of minorities from Bangladesh to other countries is due to constant threat and forceful occupation of lands & building coupled with abduction/kidnapping of their girls for forceful conversion. He
also suggested that full measures should be taken for creating sense of security amongst minority people during the ensuing election to be held on January 2014.

Ms. Suniti Saha, a victim housewife of minority family said her husband and other 15 Hindus have been made accused falsely in a murder case lodged by a Muslim man for assaulting and murdering Md. Rubbet Sheikh at Gopalgonj Sadar  Police station and they have been sent to Jail custody without any cogent reason  at Gopalganj district
rendering members of Hindu family homeless.  She claimed in her written speech, “My family members have been threatened by the leader  of Awami Swechchhesevak League. We have been falsely implicated in a murder case to grab our moveable and immovable properties, but we got no justice till today, we are shelterless moving  She also specifically mentioned that, the human rights activists are not safe there as Advocate Rabindra Ghosh was intimidated on 15/11/2013 while he went to investigate the case of alleged murder of Mohammad Rubbet Sheikh. Mr.Ghosh and his team were intimidated at Gopalgonj police station. As a result Mr.Ghosh lodged a general diary at the police station for their safety. She also claimed that this Mohammad Rubbet Sheikh during Durga Puja at Gopalgonj on 13.10.13 tried to break Hindu deities and he was trying to assault Hindu women illegally entering into the religious place, he was beaten by unildentified mob and he died.  The powerful perpetrators are not allowing any lawyer to handle this case on behalf of us. I have applied to honorable prime
minister for our security.”

Mr. Sontosh Kumar Dutta, a victim from Tangail District said “Our oldest Kali Temple was set on fire by known Muslim perpetrators on 1st of April, 13 and all the Hindu Deities were burnt and properties looted by them case was recorded at the police station also at Bhuyapur mentioning the names thereof, but police did not arrest the powerful perpetrators named in the F.I.R. till date- because those perpetrators are active workers of Awami League in power. Where we will get justice? Mr.Sontosh lamented.

Mr. Tushar Rahman, President of Citizen Rights Movement, in his speech stated that, the minorities are the victims’ because secular citizens could not prevent the perpetrators from doing unlawful activities against the minority communities. He also mentioned that the atrocities should be stopped soon; otherwise the situation may go out
of control in near future. He also suggested government authorities to take proper measures during ensuing election for the safety and security of minorities.

The speakers highlighted 14 specific recommendations for implementation demanding justice to the religious minorities by the Government in power. They also tried to draw the attention of the Government and also Prime Minister of Bangladesh for good governance and to end impunity to perpetrators:-

1)    The recent atrocities on religious minorities including the acts of murder, rape/gang-rapes on women and children, abduction kidnapping and forceful conversion, destruction of their temples/religious places and dwelling houses/shops should be
investigated through an impartial judicial Commission constituted by High court judges.

2)    The perpetrators should be brought to book as per law of the land.

3)    The Minority Rights Commission should be formed.

4)    The Report of atrocities on Minorities-2001 known as Shahabuddin Commission” Report” should be implemented.

5)    The false and concocted cases recorded by police/law enforcing agencies against minority communities without preliminary enquiry for harassment should be investigated.

6)    The Government should re-construct the temples/houses/shops so far demolished/set on fire by the perpetrators.

7)    Compensation to the minority victims should be accorded creating sense of security amongst them for their rehabilitations.

8)    Government should come with clean hands to decrease sense of communal and hatred atmosphere /attitude by enacting law.

9)    The Minority victims who left Bangladesh due to repression should be brought back for their rehabilitation giving them security
and protection.

10) The government should abide by the Articles ratified by them in UN strictly.

11)The convicts should not be allowed to be free giving them impunity.

12) All black laws namely “Vested Property Act” and its subsequent amendments made by the government should be implemented properly and properties so far grabbed by perpetrators should be returned to the real owners and their partners.

13)The free, fare impartial right to franchise of minorities during ensuing Election should be maintained and enforced.

14) Government should take precautionary measures for communal attacks on minorities before and after election is very important and law enforcing authority should come forward for their safety and security.

The conference concluded with vote of thanks from the Chair.

Adv. Rabindra Ghosh

Founder President-Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW)

12-K.M. Das Lane, Tikatully, Wari P.S.,Dhaka, Bangladesh.


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