Deepak Chopra’s Delusion

via Dr. Babu Suseelan published on December 6, 2008

In his interview with CNN on November 26 (Larry King Live), Deepak Chopra presented his naïve view that real Muslims would never carry out terrorism in the name of Allah. Deepak Chopra is, I think, entirely wrong when he exposes the root cause of Jihadi terrorism. The force of his point is obscured by the inaccuracy of his false arguments. Deepak Chopra’s ire is primarily directed against Hindus. Is the blame game necessary? In his interview, Chopra was condescending about the Hindus, the victims of Jihadi terrorism. He misses something rather important in his blanket accusation of Hindus. In his delusion, Deepak Chopra forgot the fact: if Muslims were more like Hindus, terrorism might indeed be a thing of the past.

Chopra’s delusional thinking that Muslims will never carry out terrorism in the name of Allah simply flounders on the cruel facts of reality. Chopra is simply in denial about the dark side of Islam, making him a less than credible critic of Islamic fundamentalism. He has a fervent, unquestioning faith in Islamic fascism, which he refuses to subject to critical examination.

Suppose Chopra’s delusional dream was to come true and Islamic fascists were to dominate the world. Would that end Jihadi terrorism? Certainly not. There is no evidence that Chopra has shown any interests in preserving, protecting and promoting peace, freedom, tolerance and coexistence.  His assertions of how Muslims function in democratic societies cast serious doubt on his arguments. It is well established that prejudice, discrimination and hostility against non-believers are shaped by Islamic education. Gross simplifications about Islam, its brutal past, exclusion of Jihadi terrorism, and violence will simply misdirect the gullible public. It will simply delay and defer a solution for Islamic terrorism.

The question of the future role of Islam in democratic nations is far too important to leave to the Islamic fanatics or to their cohorts. There is a real need to deal with the ultimate cause of Jihadi terrorism: Islam.

Chopra’s pro-Jihadi arguments reveal his fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of Islam and Islamic terrorism. His highly selective discussion of Hinduism in particular is peppered with outrage and indignation which many of Islamo fascists will probably share. Of course, many Hindus find many parts of his discussion puzzling, perhaps appalling. Chopra seems to think that criticizing Hindus more loudly, while ignoring Jihadi terrorists will pressure Muslims to be tolerant. Sadly, Chopra is wrong in his assumptions. For the gullible and credulous, it is the confidence with which something is said that persuades rather than the evidence offered in its support. Yet the fact that Chopra relies so extensively on rhetoric rather than the evidence that would otherwise be his natural stock in trade clearly indicates that something is wrong with his arguments.

Chopra and other paid Islamic agents will never address these questions: How could Jihadi terrorism continues in India? Why Hindus and Jews are targeted for Jihadi slaughter? Who were the Jihadi accomplices? How could Jihadis commit such heinous crime? What would have done to prevent such Islamic terrorism? Could such brutal Islamic terrorism happen again in India? What can such Jihadi terrorism tell us about Islam? What is the role and responsibility of the Indian politicians, intellectuals and the media?

In seeking resolution to find an answer to Jihadi terrorism, it seems necessary for concerned citizens to bring to collect as much information as possible from such diverse fields of knowledge as philosophy, literature, history, psychology and government. This will enable the public to link together historic information to a coherent foundation for answering the question “How Islamic terrorism could continue in India?    
Let’s skip the rhetoric of bogus intellectuals like Chopra and cut to the reality. It is much less simple than Chopra’s psychobabble –but it might actually help us address the real issues of Jihadi terrorism we face every day. Chopra’s failure to distinguish between the closed, rigid, non compromising, war mongering, divisive, and intolerant Islamic paradigm and tolerant, all inclusive, systemic and open-ended Vedic paradigm makes it difficult for him to understand one of the most pressing problems of today: Jihadi terrorism.
People like Chopra who suffer from Hyper Compulsive Secular Disorder (HCSD) suffer from denial, cognitive disorder and delusional thinking. They call Hindus as communalists. They are wrong. These secular addicts are showing the obvious and predictable result of addiction.  And things aren’t going to get any better until they stop clinging to their Hyper Compulsive Secular Addiction and start addressing the source of their problems.

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