Dangers Ahead – China ratchets up rhetoric against india

published on August 13, 2009

August 8 article says, in ‘Strategy’ China should back aspirations of Tamils, Nagas, Assamese and Kashmiris for their respective independent states, like in Europe.

China wants India to build strategic mutual trust but its own intent is anything but helpful. At least that is an impression one gets from an article written by a Chinese analyst under a pseudonym.

The August 8 article which coincided with the recently concluded 13th round of Sino-Indian border talks here.appeared under the caption. If China takes a little action the so called Great Indian Federation can be broken up. It said China should back aspirations of Tamils, Nagas, Assamese and Kashmiris.in their respective independent states like in Europe. The premise being that India with the exception of the predominantly Hindu and Hindi heartland, did not exist as a nation in history.. The article under the pseudonym of Zhan Lue (or strategy) also argued for encouraging Bangladesh to give a push to the independence of West Bengal and wresting the 90,000 sqkm of Indian territory in Southern “Tibet” or Arunchal Pradesh.

Mr D S Rajan , director of Chennai Centre for China studies translated the article fron Chinese for circulation in India. He told the newspapers that the article might not necessarily reflect the views of the Chinese government , but the fact that a prominent Chinese think tank chose the same publication , suggested some official sanctions. It shows that some in China had a jingoistic attitude towards India, Mr Rajan said. Another article, published under the same pseudonym a few days ago, visualised a partial war with India . The analyst who appeared to be a high-level cadre , perhaps with a military background , said the best for China would be to dismember India and to make her spit what she has swallowed .

It also talked about making Sikkim independent, rejuvenating Pakistan and restoring freedom of choice to Bhutan and Nepal. The subject of the article was that if India is clever , it should stop depending on the United States support and sit down for sincere talks with China.

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