Convert to Islam, Libyan leader Gaddaffi to Rome beauties

published on November 17, 2009

Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi throws a party for 200 girls when he came to attend UN Food summit at Rome and preaches the benefit of why they should convert to Islam, reports BBC.

He spoke of the wonders of Islam and assured his guests it was not anti-women, as some critics argue.

The selection process had been rigorous; the identity of the host, a mystery.

The girls had to be beautiful, between 18 and 35 – and at least 1.70m tall.

Gaddafi took particular pains to assure his guests that Islam was not misogynistic, and encourages them to convert. Two hours later, the women left, looking a touch bemused, 50 euros ($75; £45) better off and clutching a copy of the Koran.

Read full report here

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