Communist Cuba turns religious

via With Media Inputs published on November 4, 2010

The last seminary in Cuba was closed down in 1966. Cuban government considered the dissidents as mercenaries and common criminals and Cuba says the dissidents were paid by Washington to destabilize the country. After around 44 years Cuba is taking a U turn from the path traversed and decided to open a national seminary on the outskirts of Havana. The inauguration was blessed by none other than Fidel Castro and the current Cuban President Raul Castro.

Castro sat in the front row during the ceremony, wearing a white guayabera and chatting with Caridad Diego, head of religious affairs for Cuba’s Communist Party. Later, the cardinal and Castro cut a ribbon and walked together into the chapel.

A U.S. delegation at the opening was led by Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami. In addition to the inauguration of the seminary, he and the other American clergymen planned to visit parishes and missions in Havana that are financed in part by a collection taken up each year in dioceses across the United States.

When will Kerala communists change their view on religion, especially Hinduism? In Kerala as a communist you cannot perfrom Pooja at home, cannot undertake pilgrimage, cannot even cremate their dear ones as per Hindu way , the moment it is known by the party bosses and if you belongs to Hindu community, you are expelled. You may still do it if you can convince party bosses that your religious leaning can fetch some vote and cash for the party , just as in the case of current Mallikapuram Thantri in Sabarimala.

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