Catholics Join Hindu Outrage Over The Love Guru

via published on June 25, 2008

A leading Catholic group has come to the aid of America’s Hindus who
are boycotting MIKE MYERS’ new film THE LOVE GURU – because religious
officials have found the film to be “morally offensive.”

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has slapped the comedy with its highest classification.

Hindu leader Rajan Zed, who has been leading the outcry about the
new film, is thrilled that other religious officials are taking his
concerns seriously – branding the new ‘O’ rating the Catholics have
given the movie a “remarkable interfaith gesture”.

Officials at the USCCB’s Office for Film and Broadcasting in New
York, who are responsible for reviewing and rating theatrical motion
pictures, called the film “vulgar and tasteless”, adding it “wallows in
endless penis jokes and fairly yucky potty humor.”

Rajan Zed
says, “We are thankful to the Conference of Catholic Bishops for having
a feel for the pain of the Hindu and spiritual community by
categorizing The Love Guru as morally offensive.”

Zed called for a full Hindu boycott of the film because it allegedly
uses Hindu concepts and Hindu terms frivolously. He asked other
religious groups to lend their support.

He adds, “Today it is Hinduism, tomorrow Hollywood might attempt to denigrate another religion.”

Prominent Jewish Rabbi, Elizabeth W. Beyer of Nevada, has already
called for a boycott of The Love Guru because the film “lampoons
Hinduism, mocks Ashram life and Hindu philosophy.”

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