Belated wisdom

via Prof. C. I. Issac ([email protected] ) published on November 22, 2010

Finally Pontiff declared the use of condom as a canonical device. Pope Benedict XVI knows that the laity had ignored pontifical disagreement with family planning. If the laity respected the pontifical directions, the Christian population in Europe and Americas may be four times higher than that of the present. But it may be a blessing in disguise to his priestly brigades all over the world. Above all he can polish the stained face of the priest/nun-hood of the day which tainted with sex scandals, homosexuality, pedophilia, etc. In particularly this decision of pontiff opened a new haven to priests and nuns who subjected to the malady caused by sexual anarchy. They can enjoy the double benefit of sexual enjoyment as well as prevention of unnecessary births in the convents in future. Thanks to god.

It is said that the touchstone of Catholic priesthood is its clerical celibacy. Originally the concept of Celibacy is copied from the Hindu Ashrama notion. It is not at all a forced or dictated one to the Hindus. But those who go for this Ashram will strictly follow a food-code in which no space for non-vegetarian dishes. Such a food-code is nonexistent in the lexicon of the Catholic Church. The main cause of the sex related crimes that swallows the Church is its food habits, not condoms.

The history says the faculty of discrimination of the Church is very poor. The Church has taken four hundred years to tender apology to the soul of Galileo. Pope Benedict XVI assured to Jewish religious authorities that the Catholic Church would cease all its 2000 years old missionary activities amongst Jews. The Church is still reluctant to tender apology for the excess of the deeds of the Court of Inquisition over pagan lands. But the Church within a short duration realized the folly of turning back from the problems of humanity [the use of condom] in the name of two thousand year old text.

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