Are Hindu Temples and Religious Leaders Delinquent in their Duties?

published on October 8, 2013

Copy of thought provoking speech delivered by Dr. Narinder Kukar, on the occasion of the 19th Annual Hindu Unity Day (Hindu Sangathan Divas) in New York.  Dr. Kukar is an outstanding physician, a statesman and a winner of several awards.  Hindus’ survival is at stake.  In view of his vast experience, it is absolutely essential for Hindu temples and Hindu organizations to take his advice very seriously.

Narain Kataria                                                                              
Are Hindu Temples and Religious Leaders Delinquent in their Duties!      
(Hindu unity Day:  9/29/2013, Long Island)
Narinder M Kukar M.D

Holliness Baba Ramdev

Honorable Subramananyan Swami

Respected Organizers and Distinguished Guests,

It is an Honor and a Privilege for me to address you

Today Hindus are at a watershed of history and our actions today will decide whether Hindus in India will get their equal rights as a citizen or slide into some new dark age, which may be worse than thousand years of Islamic barbaric rule of the past.

It is important to understand bad conditions just don’t happen , the attacks on Hindus and Hinduism is not haphazard. It is orchestrated at the highest levels of the government of India, surreptitiously in collaboration with some foreign Islamic countries through monetary influence and religious beliefs of few people in power in India. Unless Hindus understand this sinister collaboration, the religion won’t be able to defend itself.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “politics without principles is a social sin.”  Most of the politicians in India are the greatest sinners, figuratively and in reality. India can boast to be in the top tier of most corrupt nations of the world.

We can’t keep blaming others for our plight, in the end the fault is ours, the Hindus for not standing up to their rights. Hindus have to assert themselves or be a by stander of its own demise, that is what happened to Kashmiri Hindus, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Hindus. Their women raped in presence of their husbands and children, property confiscated, coerced conversion to Islam, temples burnt and destroyed.

If you have trouble believing what I said, go to Google human rights commission reports and United States congressional reports, Hindu American Foundation reports, The Guardian ( British News Paper) ;”Bangladesh: a portrait of covert Genocide”. Don’t look for it in the Indian government reports or the Indian News media. It is a rare Indian Newspaper in United States which has the courage to print some truth about the plight of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh.

Our gripe is not with the Muslims, our preoccupation with them is our problem. One can’t reason with   unreasonable person, Dialogue with Muslims is a waste of time. In 1930 Sir Winston Churchill, former British prime minister said, “While the Hindu elaborates his argument, the Muslim sharpens his sword” After close to hundred years, It is true even today.

I blame the trustees of Hindu temples and the Hindu religious leaders for their inaction and negligence in educating its followers and helping them in their- endures to achieve what is rightfully theirs. It should be their solemn duty to help Hindus as they draw their funds and power through The Hindu worshippers. They as keepers and leaders of Hindu faith should do everything within their power to ensure that Hindus should have equal rights in India.

We as Hindus should demand of their help and leadership and they must be willing to give and lead. We as Hindus should organize satyagrah, at all levels of government. Mahatma Gandhi through satyagrah could get the British to quit India, we should be able to force the government of India to grant equal rights to Hindus.

It is no time to be on the defensive, it is time to be on the offensive:

1.  We demand equal rights for the Hindus in admissions to institutes of higher learning and jobs

 2. We demand Hindu temples funds should be under control of the donors like other religious institutions, not govt appointed Trustees,

 3. We demand Government help should be based on merit and need, not religion or caste.

4. We demand from the government of India to catch the Muslim culprits who set fire to the Hindu pilgrims train at Godara, those who killed Hindus in Muzzafar Nagar recently, the Muslim minister who ordered the police officers not to intervene and let Hindus be massacred by the Muslim mobs.

5. We demand legal actions against the police officers who failed to perform their duty in Muzzafar Nagar massacre of Hindus

6.  We Demand to bring to justice state officials in south  India who are using Hindu temple funds to convert Hindus to Christianity.

It is no time to be on the defensive, it is time to be on the offensive, peacefully and through Satyagrah, relentlessly, persistently and Nationwide. A society gets what it concentrates on.

When a Hindu goes to the temple, it is a private and mostly silent connection between the devotee and its creator. Some body in the temple has to teach Hindus about Hinduism. You don’t learn by just visiting and sitting in the school building without a teacher to teach you. Our Mandirs must teach on a regular basis about Hinduism and our spiritual leaders must lead and help  us in acquiring equal rights for Hindus, initially in India and then in other parts of the world.
Thank you for your attention

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