Anti Hindu Hate Groups in America

published on December 12, 2008


Opposition to Hindus is nothing new in America.  For several years Hindus were denied immigration by American law.  Despite
the obstacles posed by Christian Missionaries, Hindus were able to
immigrate to America during the presidency of Kennedy and Johnson.  Hindu
organizations sprang up across the continent and slowly took root in
American society. It is significant that Hindu immigrants have worked
tirelessly and convinced American thinkers that spirituality is
essential for peace, freedom, harmony and coexistence.  Hindu
Contribution to science, technology, economics, life sciences,
spirituality and freedom are innumerable. Devout Hindus have
strengthened the theories of pluralism, yoga, meditation, and the
management of human affairs in several ways. It represents a systemic
perspective against the naturally limited, historically conditioned
efforts of dogmatic ideology to conceive one model of living. Hindu
values keep Indians strong by binding us together. By committing and
recommitting ourselves to our Dharma, we have forged a common Hindu
identity. It is what makes a Pluribus Unum “out of many, one” possible.                                                                 

several Hindu hate groups have appeared in different parts of America
in new forms and with different disguises. India has never suffered
from a shortage of enemies in America. Recently, Fundamentalist
Evangelist groups, Indian Converted Christian Organizations, Fanatic
Indian Islamo Fascists, Indian Marxists anarchists posing as liberals,
and pseudo secular bigots have made an unholy alliance against India
and Hindus in America.  They have joined with anti Hindu
fundamentalist groups to wage a psychological warfare against peace
loving, tolerant, spiritual, pluralistic Hindus. Several anti Hindu
fanatic groups such as American Federation of  Muslims of
Indian Origin (AFMI), Association of Indian Muslims of America (AIM),
Campaign to Stop Funding Hate (CSFH), Coalition Against Communalism
(CAC), Federation of Indian American Christian Organization of North
America (FIACONA), Forum of Inquilabi Leftists (FOIL), Indian Christian
Forum (ICF), Indian Muslim Educational Foundation of North America
(IMEFNA), Indian Muslim Council-USA (IMC-USA), Indian Muslim Relief and
Charities (IMRC), Muslim Youth Awareness Alliance (MYAA), South Asian
Collectives (SAC), South Asia Forum (SAF), and Supporters of Human
Rights in India (SHRI) are busy vulgarizing Hinduism. (The List is not
exhaustive). These hate groups’ goal is unmistakably been Hindu
bashing.  They are not honest critics working toward
peace and positive values for America. They are peddling lies,
half-truths, and false accusations in the guise of secularism. 

What is going on? Why
are Indian Converted Christians, fanatic Indian Muslims and Communists
betraying India? Instead of creating a positive image, educating
Americans, promoting pluralistic, all inclusive Indian values, why are
they turning against Hindus and India?  These converted
Indian Christians, Indian Muslims and Marxists have surrendered
themselves to rigid, non-compromising, reductionist, divisive,
fundamentalist anti Hindu ideology. These sloppy anti-Hindu bigots
suffer from thinking errors and take no responsibility for their
nefarious and erroneous actions. They behave without moral conscience,
guilt or remorse and they don’t want the consequences of their action
known, and if it becomes known, they don’t want to take responsibility.
They are well trained to do what they are told.

These Hindu bashers’
language, values, culture, and thinking have been polluted through a
denial of traditional Indian culture. In the mad dash to escape from
their all inclusive, open ended, universal spiritual philosophy and
freedom, that make up Indian heritage, these converted Christians,
Muslims and Marxists scoff at Indian cultural values and ethics and
become paranoid and psychotic in their attempt to deal with their roots.

These anti Indian
groups simply do not understand the result of their own actions and do
not stick around long enough to bear consequences. These mischief
mongers and miscreants in our midst seldom advocate pluralism,
tolerance, universalism or harmony or trying to move the American
society in that direction because they are slaves to tyrannical,
fundamentalist and conflicting ideologies.

It seems that a slow
poison is running the veins of these people and the anti-Hindu crap is
just a small part of it. These Hindu bashers are always seemed ready
with excuses for Islamic terrorists, missionary culture vultures and
Marxist anarchists.  Every positive Social service by
Hindu organizations is horrifying in their eyes, a sign of bad conduct,
and moral decay. It is as if Hindu bashers of Indian origin have
arrived at a kind of intellectual truth with Islamic terrorists and the
conversion gangs.  It is as if they have made accommodation with them. Hindu bashers actually welcome news that makes Hindus and India bad.  They find pleasure and delight in vilifying India and Hindus.  There
is no outrage from these Hindu bashers about Jihadi terrorism,
missionary mischief or Marxist violence. While hiding behind tyrannical
ideologies, these Hindu bashers in America are playing with betrayal,
denial, diversion, falsehood and sophistry.

Are they aware of the social and political damage they have already inflicted on India?  Their
actions against India and Hindus have no moral sense, logic or common
sense. Their recent letter to President elect Obama exposes the
fallacious and demeaning logic. The unprecedented and recklessness of
their letter is an alarmist tactics of intimidation.


How did they get this
way? Mindless missionaries have used deceptive strategies to lure low
class, uneducated and poor Indians and freed them from their spiritual
tradition and enslaved them in rigid, fundamentalist and parochial
Christian dogma. Christian schools have indoctrinated them with closed
channel thinking and hostility towards Hindu pluralism, tolerance and
transcendental philosophy.  They were brought to this country to serve their slave masters.  Islamo
fascists and Marxists and the anti Hindu pseudo secularists have made
an unholy alliance against tolerant Hindus and sacred Indian heritage.
These closed channel Hindu hate groups have a goal to insult, ridicule
and subvert American religious freedom. These Hindu hate groups are
mired in hostility and tyrannical ideologies.  They will
always see India as immoral and dishonorable. No matter how much Hindus
and India do today, these hate groups prey on American insecurities,
ignorance and the gaps in their knowledge. These Indian born maroons
exploit American hopes and fears. In short, these anti Hindu hate
groups represent the ultimate in vanity and betrayal.

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