Angela Merkelism – Rule of Dhimmitude and Islamist Alliance as Government

By Aron published on January 31, 2016

What is happening to Hindus of Bengal and Europe…are the same thing. 


It is called Angela Merkelism- a new word enters the lexicon for this phenomenon we shall discuss and compare happening to European and Indian Christian and Hindu majority communities respectively,  

Where the Elite dominate the Discourse, accumulates Political Power and turns the State against its Citizens- especially the native Culture.

To beat it’s potential to politically challenge it- Merkelists invite Muslims as allies from outside the borders to invade demographically and humiliate the natives with stuff like gang rapes, molestation, elopement with women and forced conversions.

With Protection racket as Government- the natives are crushed and soon left with no fight.

So when Mamata begum declares there is no ‘communal tension in Bengal’- what she means is Hindus have no fight or contest left in them for her Merkelist Demographic invasion and its Rule of Dhimmitude.


Kanchan Gupta describes the roll of macabre events in Bengal and then connects it to what is happening elsewhere in other states tracing a clear Islamist- Appeasement Polity Pattern- that must henceforth be aptly coined Merkelism.

“Malda, like many other districts in West Bengal along the State’s border with Bangladesh, has a Muslim majority population. In vast stretches of rural areas Hindus account for around a fifth of the population; in Kaliachak, Hindus constitute a third of the population. This possibly explains why there was neither resistance nor retaliation. In many ways, the Kaliachak rampage by Muslims is similar to what was witnessed at Deganga in 2010 and Canning three years ago.

Mullah-led violent protests against Tiwari have also been organised in Dehradun, Indore, Bhopal, Nellore, Bangalore, Kanpur, Bareilly, Lucknow and other places. The tone, tenor and content of the rabble-rousing speeches at these demonstrations of unrestrained Muslim anger were anything but suggestive of peace and reconciliation. They were meant to provoke a countrywide backlash and they have succeeded in doing so.

The large-scale violence at Kaliachak must be seen against the backdrop of this metaphorical call to arms. And its true purpose — while using Tiwari’s alleged offence as a convenient cover — must not be glossed over. The crowd that went berserk at Kaliachak came prepared to strike fear in the hearts and minds of Hindus of Malda whose insecurity quotient has now gone up by leaps and bounds’
In other words, the State is taken over by Ruling elite that colludes with Islamists and implements its program of Radicalization and Jihad aimed at intimidating the infidel residents and compromising the Secular order.

A conspiracy of silence is set up towards achieving these objectives notes Ralph Sidway – about this Merkelism.

German  broadcaster ZDF was forced to issue an apology for failing to include the assaults in its main evening news broadcast. It appears that, as the authorities and the media were choosing between stirring up racial tension and these women’s rights, we were faced with a conspiracy of silence.

Rod Dreher over at The American Conservative nails it. The problem is that the ruling elites in government, media, entertainment and law enforcement can’t handle the inconvenient truths about Muslim culture and the Islamic religion:

This is how it happens, though, in Europe, in America, everywhere: mainstream parties, institutions, and figures cannot bring themselves to deal with difficult truths, so they ignore them and dismiss people who pay attention to these things as racist, or otherwise bigoted. But the contradiction between observable reality and the Official Story may finally cause things to snap.

Consider the 15-year epidemic of Muslim rape gangs in the UK. From “British Girls Raped by Muslim Gangs on ‘Industrial Scale,’” by Soeren Kern, Gatestone Institute, March 17, 2015:

Nearly 400 British girls as young as eleven are believed to have been sexually exploited by Muslim rape gangs in Oxfordshire over the past 15 years, according to a chilling new report. It charges local officials with repeatedly ignoring the abuse due to a “culture of denial.”

The scale of the abuse in Oxfordshire, a county in southeast England, mirrors similarly shocking accounts of the sexual exploitation of white British girls by Muslim gangs in Bristol, Derby, Rochdale, Rotherham and Telford, and implies that the problem is not isolated, but endemic…

[The report documents how] local authorities could have stopped the abuse as early as 2005, but failed to do so because they refused to take the girls’ complaints seriously…

…and “for fear of being thought of as racist.”

Flash forward to New Year’s Eve 2016, and Europe’s own “culture of denial.” 

In India the tag word for this silencing of dissent and opposition is ‘fear of being ‘Communal’!

Taslima Nasreen the humanist Secularist Writer without mincing her words has this to say to our Fake Secular Trumpeters who often begin a shrill cry about how the Right Wing like RSS and BJP are ‘Polarizing’ and ‘Communalizing’ issues, while she squarely lays the blame for this on their doors, on Muslim appeasement policy-

Catch spoke to exiled Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen, who claims to be a victim of Mamata Banerjee’s practice of succumbing to the demands of radical Muslim bodies.

The protests against Kamlesh Tiwari’s remarks against Mohammad Prophet have been happening all across the country since the past one month. But why do you think it turned so violent in West Bengal?

Mamata Banerjee’s Muslim appeasement policy made these fundamentalists this violent. I remember, two years ago, when her government banned my TV script only to appease some Muslim fanatics. Now she is seeing the results of those actions. She has created a Frankenstein monster. In Malda, the fundamentalists are so intolerant and violent that they banned a girl’s football team.

So, you feel since Mamata didn’t intervene then, things have totally spiraled out of her hands?

“Yes, that was a sign actually of how intolerant they were becoming and how the government, by not stopping them, was actually giving them more strength. In 2013, without any protests from Muslims, the launch of my book ‘Nirbasan’ was cancelled at the Kolkata Book Fair. On the day of the launch, the Police asked my publisher to not go ahead with the event. That was also to appease Muslim fanatics.

Why do you think Mamata Banerjee gets so much criticism for siding with the minority?

Mamata doesn’t care for the rights of Muslim women or for the overall betterment of the Muslim community. The Muslim fundamentalists are against women’s rights. They are misogynist, anti-women and oppose secular laws. They do not want justice and equality. They want Muslims to be educated in Madrassas and are completely against secular education. So, by only focusing on vote bank politics and supporting Muslim fanatics, Mamata is only deepening the crisis that Muslims in Bengal find themselves in.

Bengal is going to polls in a few months. Do you believe Mamata’s Muslim appeasement policy will end up polarising the electorate?

The reason right-wing parties across India are gaining popularity is because of the Muslim appeasement policy of the ‘secular’ parties. This is a bad scenario for India. It is a bad scenario for democracy”

Sreemoy Talukdar writes

Incidentally, Sunday also saw a bizarre defence by the police who refused to come in aid of Kazi Masum Akhtar, the headmaster of Kolkata’s Talpukur Aara High Madrasa, who has reportedly been banned from its precincts and assaulted for training students to sing the national anthem ahead of the Republic Day.

Akhtar, who on earlier occasions had courted the wrath of local clerics over issues such as modern syllabus, education of girls and child marriage, cannot set foot in his madrasa and has to record his attendance at an education department office to draw his salary.

Expressing his helplessness, Kolkata Police Commissioner has written to the chairman of the Minorities Commission, stating that he was not in a position to provide security to Akhtar as “his presence in the area might lead to communal tension”

Talukdar then offers a glimpse of this deep Demoralization of the Law enforcement by this Political nexus-

According to a report in The Telegraph, Pachnanda was removed as police commissioner for not framing the FIR in the murder as dictated by a TMC minister and approved by the party leadership.

The Kolkata police chief was shocked at the idea of a false FIR to save some goons who had killed an officer-in-duty. His force, too, was angry.

A senior colleague had reportedly told the commissioner: “Sir, we have to act now or the morale of the police will collapse. A sub-inspector has been killed and there can be no further excuse for us.”

Pachnanda defied the diktat. An FIR was filed against the key accused and 10 persons, many with TMC links, were rounded up.

His sacking was made official less than 48 hours later by the Chief Minister on her return from Digha.

That the police have learnt their valuable lesson became clear when last year, in a re-run of the Garden Reach murder, another police officer took a bullet, this time during the Kolkata Corporation elections. Sub-inspector Jagannath Mondal was shot at while trying to disperse a group who were allegedly led by the husband of a TMC candidate.

Mondal survived the attack but key culprits remained untouchable amid a blizzard of complaints that the police were shielding TMC supporter.

MERKELISM- The danger for the Hindu society in Bengal

 A Common Denominator of Merkelists is self alienation from one’s Cultural Roots and Narcissism. The alienation makes common cause with any hostile ideology seeking to destroy the native culture and replace it. The Narcissism derives its nurture from that hostile alliance, trades native and National interests for chips of Political support and Power, without any awareness of the destruction of the Secular- Pluralist foundations or that it is getting reduced to merely a transfer agency of Power to the Sharia that soon starts dictations.

Whether it is Barack Obama with his stubborn failing Policies towards in Middle East and ISIS or Merkel refusing to hear the screams of the local populace and civic authorities flooded by waves of rapist and assaulting Migrants – the psychological profile of the ‘Traitor Elite’ are the same.

Whether it is the Christian majority in the West or Buddhist or Hindus in the East, why is that both majority native Cultures have begun feeling betrayed by a Disconnected Elite ruling the country disregarding their insecurity and imperiling them?

Hans Maaz the celebrity German Psychoanalyst explains the mistake with Merkelism that is destroying Germany’s majority – the high price of Personality Cult as Leadership.

‘The German Chancellor suffers from “narcissism” brought on by people lauding her position as ‘mother of the nation’ and most powerful woman in the world, and calling for her to have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He says the “artificially inflated self-image” she labours under leads to the “stubborn attitude” on display by her during the ongoing migrant crisis.

The result of this, he says, is that ‘she tends to make “emotional” decisions which meet immediate popular approval instead of making difficult but rational moves. By way of example he cites first Mrs. Merkel policy of phasing out nuclear power after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, a decision she took knowing most Germans backed the move.

The second “emotional” decision she took was to open Germany’s borders to Syrian migrants. Although met with worldwide approval as a “great humanitarian gesture” it was actually poorly thought through, as hindsight confirms. Now her refusal to move represents a danger to Germany.’

We can now see clearly how at the bottom of these existential debacles there was always this Cult Leadership – whether Gandhi or Nehru or Indira Gandhi to mass leaders of our times who chase Populism and Appeasement Policies that hurt majority culture and cost them dearly.

The Merkelists are just our usual Left Liberals armed with Power of a State against its own citizens.

The Left Liberal is one sitting in vantage positions as media, most successfully persuades you to believe that your mortal enemies are indeed your bosom friends.

The chip of the block liberal convinces you that in your downfall lies the Rise.

The leftist Partymen demonstrate that in fact your fall into the pit isn’t happening.

Together with Merkelists they cheer you with the digging of your own grave with your own very hands.

It is when the mud is thrown to cover the ground where you are getting buried – That you hear them both suddenly join your enemies and start blaming you and curse you for all this befalling you.

It is your incurable “Racism’ and ‘Xenophobia’ if you were the nominally Christian and easy going majority at Europe that is sinking.

Or else it must be the virus of ‘Hindu Communalism’ that is the real cause of your undoing in Bengal.

But certainly not the incessant flood of Muslim demographic invasion and the Merkelist State in alliance with Islamists and facilitating the long program of Jihad.

Courtesy Reference-


Sunday, 10 January 2016 | Kanchan Gupta | in Coffee Break

Ineffective police caught between devil and deep sea as goons rule the roost in Bengal

Mamata has created a Frankenstein monster with her Muslim appeasement politics, says Taslima Nasreen

Lara Logan, UK Rape Gangs, and Europe’s Muslim Mob Sex Assaults

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