The Christian Benevelonce

via Nemo published on January 17, 2011

(A Response to the following comment made by J George a HK Reader on Christian Benevelonce

“Canada is a Christian country and it has accepted more than 300,000 tamil refugees. Out of this more than 85% were tamil srilankan hindu refugees.” –

A Comment by J George an HK Reader at )


Christian vultures have descended on the Hindu Tamizhs in the Shri Lankan war camps, ready to prey on hapless victims to sell them jesus as the “prince of peace” – right after his unhistorical character embroiled them in war thanks to his christian(-led) army, the LTTE.

Their descent on the Sri Lankan Hindus at this very opportune moment is because christianism is an opportunistic ideology:

christianism preys on the vulnerable, since the easiest converts are to be had in this manner. (Another common method – documented – is to genocide the unsaved, which christianism continues to do *to this day* to South American communities. Canadian missionaries are included in the assailants.)

Canada’s secular authorities have extended refuge to Tamil Sri Lankan Hindus, while christian elements in Canada are eyeing these as a social engineering project: Prey In Their Backyard Now. (Even the Christian agents who’ve snuck into the Murugan Temple and who’ve been trying to de-Hinduise the Sri Lankan Hindus are obviously … christian.)

There is nothing genuine(ly benevolent) about christian aid. It is always selfish, always aimed at converting others. And if the unsaved remain stubborn too long (e.g. the Jews and unconverted South American remote communities), then the christians start libelling and genociding them. It’s what christianism=islam does.

Like the great Roman Emperor Julian – who was an ardent follower of his Greco-Roman Gods – said:

1. Jesus never existed
2. Christianism is an *evil* lie. (Not just any lie, but an *evil* one.)

This is what Hindus must continue to say: because Emperor Julian and his Hellenistic compatriots knew and spoke the truth

Couple of other examples to reveal the true nature of Christianity

1. Australia’s illegal Iranian refugees – Muslim, but running from persecution by their Islamic regime – were detained in refugee camps and likely to be deported by the secular Australian authorities for their illegal presence. Some Australian Christ-peddlers however got in to evangelise the inmates – complete with bible studies – and they famously offered the Iranians the option to convert and stay. (Refuse to convert: deportation. With a death sentence awaiting them in Iran.) It was big news.

An example of christian generosity.!

2. Bhutanese Hindu refugees in America, evicted by the Buddhist military, were given a place to stay by a secular American government. And they are now being actively badgered (terrorised) to convert by American Christians who have descended on them. It’s become a huge headache and the Bhutanese Hindu community has sought assistance from the larger Hindu community to protect themselves from being preyed upon by the opportunistic vultures.

Meanwhile, Hindu India gave refuge to:

– Parsees fleeing islamic terrorism and let them be Zoroastrians
– a recent Iranian Zoroastrians influx and let them remain Zoroastrians
– Tibetan Buddhists fleeing Chinese communists, and let them be Buddhists
– Tibet’s native Bon religionists (fleeing Buddhism which persecuted them), and let them remain Bonpos
– 4/5th century Syrian christians fleeing “persecution” and let them be Christians. Historians have brought to light how these later sent documents requesting Portugal to invade and inquisition-and-convert the Hindus, who weren’t converting. But the catholic Portuguese were ardent in pursuing heresies (not just heathenism) and deservedly inquisitioned /converted some Syrian Christians too.

The *truly* generous Hindu religion is plain to see, which never sought conversion.

The selfishness AND treachery of christianism is also in plain sight.

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