Jihadis Vs Crusaders in West Bengal

published on April 21, 2012

Murshidabad, West Bengal: “Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it”. so said famous English Novelist Charles Dickens.

Whenever Hindu organizations exposed this evil designs of Christian Missionaries, they were termed as fascists and religious bigots by our National and International Media and Christian propaganda machines.

Generally, Christian Missionaries avoid playing games with Muslims as they are very much aware of the backlash they receive and the lack of support from administration when these two favourite Minorities of India clashes against each other. Recent Episodes of fatwa against Christian Missionaries in Kashmir were downplayed by the media.Christian Propaganda machinaries in India will take those grievances caused by Muslims into much wider audience of their global  masters and downplays it in India.

Compassdirect – A Christian propaganda website; reports about such an attack against Missionaries in Nutnagram in Murshidabad district by Islamists.As per the reports a mob of about 100 extremists gathered and charged into their prayer house. They kicked and slapped and threatened them and abused them as PAGANS! Their heart rending story continuous in the typical Christian way in which they concludes all of them were saved by Jesus. 

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