Violence against Hindus is increasing in India

published on July 16, 2013

As India, the largest democracy in the world, slides towards the next general election, Muslims from all over the world are readying for major offensive against Indian culture including bombing, beheading, abduction and terrorism. The resurgent Muslims are made up of different strands, but together dogmatic Islamic groups and Jihadi terrorists pose a grave threat to Indian democracy, culture and spiritual traditions.


The militant Islam is as old as Islam. But since, India got independence from British Christian Colonialists; Islam has come to dominate the Congress party all over India. India has elected an atheist who believes in promoting Islamism, as the prime Minister of India. As part of his atheistic agenda and appeasement policies toward Islamists, the dynastic Congress government took part in destroying our scared Hindu culture and spiritual traditions. The congress party used Muslim constituency with narrow theological agenda to impose their goal of destroying the peaceful, universal Hindu values.
 Along with the Islamic movements, the introduction of phony secularism on Hindu society threatens democracy. Regressive Maoism, Taliban-ism Coercive religious conversion, corruption and inefficient bureaucracy are increasingly threatened nationalistic movements and integrity of India.

Focally, there are the militant, overtly dangerous Jihdi groups operating freely In India. They operate in different disguises, names and formats. Love, Jihad, NDF, Peoples War group, Kashmir Liberation front, Naga Rebels, Maoist Militant and Tamil Tigers get foreign funds, guidance and directive against destruction of Hindus.
Although numerically smaller right wing Christians have recently posing a serious threat to our Sanathan Dharma. Conservative Christians are  a serious political factor in several states (Kerala, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tamil Nadu), and their propaganda promoting hatred and violence reaches into major metropolitan centers where their psychological warfare agents and alienated young people commit hate crimes, and violence against Hindu organizations and its leaders.The electoral efforts of Christian and Muslims serve as a warning to nationalist groups.
All Islamic groups are anti-democratic in nature, promoting in various combinations and to varying degrees of authoritarianism, xenophobia, hatred towards Hindus, demagoguery and scapegoating. Christians are in the habit of promoting meaningless and dangerous homosexuality, lesbianism, and western education and distorted values. Islamic terrorists and Christian rebels are colluding against Hindu organizations. Their relationships are complex as well as considerable overlap along the edges.
 Despite the differences, Muslim militants and missionary gangs work together to destabilize and destroy India.  Their goal is to destroy Hindutva forces.

The Belief of Islamists

All Muslims think that India is their unfinished work. Muslims want to annihilate all infidels and want to create Dar-Ul-Islam. Christians in India wanted their ideal state in India (a theocracy) in which Christian men interprets GOD’s will as law in a hierarchy where women are helpmates, children are property of their parents, and the Earth must submit to the domination of those to whom Jesus has gained power. Hindus are basically sinful, and must be forcefully converted or restrained by harsh punitive laws. According to Christians, India’s social problems are caused by satanic forces and Brahmin conspiracies aided and abetted by Hindu forces (RSS, VHP, and ARYA SAMAJ) and humanists. Hindus must be exposed and neutralized. The congress government and many state governments are colluding with psychological warfare agents to deal with the hearts and souls of several Hindu men and women. With the help of western governments, Christians have formed armed cells across India. They appear in different names and disguises in various states. Maoist groups, Tamil Tigers, People war groups, Naga Rebels are funded by western governments.

Our enemy forces are not interested in promoting peace, harmony, tranquility, spiritual practices, human rights or democracy.  Our enemy forces’ ideal osculates between e brutish authoritarianism and vulgar fascism in service of their desert dogma and desert Gods. Our alien enemy forces want militarism, corruption and authoritarianism.
India’s social problems are created by Brahmins and uncivilized behavior of Hindus. Those who organize Hindus must be exposed, neutralized and thrown out or even murdered.

Recent gruesome murder of in Tamil Nadu Hindu Munnani leader S.Velliappan (45) on the banks of Polar River in Vellore and the inability of the government to arrest or prosecute the criminals behind his brutal murder illustrates foreign hands behind the deliberate murder of a young energetic Hindu leader.

The election of a bogus secular government in Karnataka illustrates that attitudes of our citizens are changing. Intolerance of Hindus on the rise and Hindus are becoming strangers in their own land.

Unless Hindus are united, and organized, and elect Sri Modi as the next rime Minister of India, Hindus and India are doomed. Hindus and Hindu organizations have to come up with the antidote, the panacea for hatred against Hindus and the peace loving people of India. For thousands of years Hindus have been   able to do is to keep a lid on the anger, ugliness, and brutality against Hindus. Right now, under the Vatican agent; Sonia Maino allowed, for some reason, the sewer covers have come off.  Hindus are now threatened, harassed, and even murdered.

The Christian evangelists in India spent millions of Rupees to build a solid alien/Christian infrastructure that provides training, conducts research, publishes studies, produce educational resource, engages in networking, and coalition building, promotes a sense of solidarity with poor Harijan Hindus, shapes fake issues and promotes specific rhetoric and slogans against Hindu philosophy and Hindu leaders.
Our enemies and slave masters owe most of television and print media in India. Their vast majority of anti-Indian and anti-Hindu experts featured on television and radio talks and many syndicated print columnists have been groomed by Christian Evangelical infrastructures. Most of the young writers, journalists, and media persons were first recruited and trained abroad while they were still in college.
Participating in fake social issues and interpreting and misdirecting Hindus is key for Muslims, Phony secularists, and other alien ideologues. They deliberately do seek to breach real secularism practiced by Hindus.

The only way to stop the anti-democratic, anti-Hindu Islamists, Marxists, and the Christian evangelists is to contest every inch of terrain. Politics in India is not a pendulum that automatically swings back and forth. The heartbeat of India is Hinduttva. The heart beat is determined by various vectors of forces in an endless multidimensional tug of war involving ropes leading out in many directions. Whether or not our country moves toward real Hinduttva, secularism, pluralism, democracy, equality, social justice, freedom, and peace harmony depends on how many Hindu hands grab those ropes and pull together.

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