Eco terrorists targetting Koodangulam reactor

published on December 1, 2013

If it had been a Hindu village associated with a political unrest and Hindus who were making the bombs and get blown killing 6 people, the news would have been Highlighted as Saffron terror and flashed world over.

Especially since the bombs were being made and blew up just a few kilometers from a running Nuclear Power Plant at Koodangulam, Tamilnadu India. So when on November 27th Tuesday- a bunch of locally well known anti-social Christian elements were manufacturing Bombs in their house at Idinthakarai village near the Reactor and accidentally it went off blowing surrounding houses and killing 6 people including 2 children, and a woman the news of this Christian Terror naturally was quietly downplayed and bowdlerized by the pro-evangelist and pro-terrorist Indian media.


In August 21rst 2013 Malai malar reported that-
At koothankhuzhi area of Idinthakarai 3 bombs went off while they were being tested.
For quite some time this report tells that a group has been manufacturing bombs and testing them at the sea shore.

The report alerts that all this is taking place within few kilometers of the Nuclear reactor at koodangulam. It also divulges its own findings that local people have been saying these bombs are being manufactured tested periodically and transported to some unknown destination. It tells how local populace is terrified of venturing out at nightfall especially the seashores.

Just months ago, there were again group clashes at the Idinthakarai locality.
A faction involved in it had relocated to koothankuzhi closely on the heel of that violence.

Valan, Magimairaj, Sesu Mary and Yagappan allegedly belong to a faction of that group’s clash who relocated to one Jeni’s house after promising they would refrain from criminal activities.

According to media reports Valan had arrived to take the consignment  of explosives and while handling the transporting they went off- killing Yagappan, Magimairaj and Valan himself.

The explosion was so powerful that it leveled the neighboring houses and  killed 2 children of Sagayam who lives next door- 3 yr old Subiksan and 10 year old Subita instantly.

A poor girl winding beedi cigarettes Pramila was also killed.
Their mother Rose, Jesu mary and another boy vijay were seriously injured.
In all 6 people lost their lives and dozens injured.


Secular bleeding heart crusaders like Shabana Azmis have made out Islamo-phobia among House owners reluctant to rent out to unknown stranger Muslims as a case of discrimination against Muslims and world media mopped that story.
But Reality of such fly by night Tenants tells us a different story- of wolves moving in preying on unsuspecting citizenry.  

Both busting of Indian Mujahadeen modules at Andhra Pradesh and Post Patna Mangalore Terro0r modules, the groups had moved into newly rented premises. We find that similar pattern here- The house at Tsunami colony similarly where the bombs were being assembled belonged belongs to someone else and rented out from one Jeni and the makers of ‘Country Bombs’ are a locally well known criminal gangsters who had rented out the place for their operation.

The News report of Dinamalar records promptly that the local Christians have extracted a promise at the Church that these pious gangsters would not be up to their usual business of criminal activities, strangely mentioning ‘making of bombs’!
In other words the local Christians were fully on the know about the group and its connection with bomb making activities. But are they telling us that also only now -so as to distance theirs and church’s involvement in the bombs that went off?
How intelligence agencies sat looking at all this happening at a local church where a bomb making criminal gang has given local people a public promise that they wouldn’t be making bombs as pious Christians –and all this within vicinity of a Nuclear Reactor that has been stiffly opposed by Churches and their fronts and Ultras like Maoists are baffling questions.

What were Jeni’s reasons for renting out to a group that was admitted by locals only after a promise in the local church?

Did the church report the matter to Intelligence authorities and identity of the gangsters?
What was their background? Who were the Bomb makers supplying and what is their real target?

Local people have reported of bombs being made there and moved to some other destination- where?

Are the Intelligence agencies doing their job trivializing the serious development of explosives manufactured and moved around a Nuclear Reactor site? Especially by people involved in a militant opposition to its installation and a movement infiltrated by other Extremist Ultra Left elements?

Lastly, was the local police equipped to handle a contingency such as quickly assembled bombs and explosives transported towards the Nuclear Reactor site using fishing boats?


The details of the very serious incident so close to a national vital installation must have been sought out with appropriate alarm.

All angles to the Terrorist connections must have been analyzed, but what to do? The bomb makers were Christians and Idunthakarai is a hotbed of Christian Fundamentalism and that would lead to probing lot of Politically Inconvenient truths.

Including admitting the fact of rising  head of Christian Extremism at south India as well like at North east.

Still bombs going off, (though coming to surface only by accident) while being manufactured as if it were some charming cottage industry by Christian criminals so close to Koodangulam Nuclear Reactor is no innocent joke. So this must never be allowed to go without a thorough probe.

The reckoning of a very seriously real security threat of such bombs finding their way near a functioning Nuclear reactor at koodangulam which is merely a few kilometers from Idintakarai village is something that cannot be allowed to pass without fully obtaining all the answers.

Have European Eco-terrorists or Maoists entrenched at Koodangulam’s vicinity among Christian support bases?

Liberation Theology, Eco-Liberation and Eco-terrorists 

We have traced the footprints of a pernicious radical brand of Political Christianity called Liberation Theology in our earlier articles at HaindavakerAlam.

The opposition to the Russian built 4 th generation Nuclear Reactor with the very best of safety features and cutting edge technology was mooted by western vested interests to scuttle India’s Nuclear capabilities and drive her to western Imperial nuclear dependency.

Liberation Theology is a heady cocktail of Ultra Leftist Extremism and subtle Christian theology.

At Tamil Nadu it has taken up the project of founding a Separatist movement and armed insurrection against Indian State in the model of ethnic identity as in the North eastern states like Nagaland and Mizoram.

Towards this end Churches and Christian Leftist Environmental groups had orchestrated a massive misinformation campaign aimed at thwarting the installation of the Nuclear Power Plant at koodangulam, purely based on Panic selling drawing illogical allegories to Japanese Takoido earthquake and Fakushima melt down.

The unscientific movement for a while misguided ill informed public when eminent Scientists like A p J Abdul kalam and government appointed Scientific Panel dismissed such panic mongering as entirely without substance and a political propaganda.
However, the anti-nuclear reactor movement drew there the allies of Christian insurrectionist ideologies like Maoists who saw opportunity in infiltrating Tamil Nadu that has driven away the Naxal menace in the 1980s.

The global Liberation Theology movement had lost its battle at Sri Lanka with its ideological creation LTTE being destroyed at end of Lankan war.

Chances of reviving the LTTE is negligible given the Tamils’ alienation towards LTTE’s fascist methods and immense suffering that it wrought upon them being still fresh for those who survived its deployment of them as Human Shields in battle zones and Child and women recruitment as cannon fodder.

But at Tamil Nadu the naivety of Tamil political outfits equating Lankan Tamils’ cause with LTTE’s objectives and misdirected sympathy towards LTTE’s Tamil Separatist and extremist ideas had given Liberation theology movement to try its chances at a Tamil separatist and Christian driven insurrection movement.

Their singular objective is to use the ignorant Fishermen communities’ captive to Church mechanizations and the Tamil Sub nationalist segments to come together and start a Nagaland like insurrection.

One wing of the Liberation Theology is the Eco-Liberation movement which is a Far Christian Left wing that includes Eco-terrorism as political weapon.
What is at work in Tamil Nadu is Liberation Theology as an ideology with covert Church backing and Left environment groups.

The bomb explosion that killed 6 people in the Christian fundamentalist village of Idunthakarai is a confirmation of our analysis that Liberation Theology is making steady gains in its objective to kick start a grand Nagaland like Insurrection against the Indian union.

The high casualty figures and heavy structural damage along with forensic preliminary info that Ammonium salts were traced indicate Improvised Explosive Device making- not a mark of Crude bombs and gangsters but Terror. 

Tamil Nadu could suffer the world’s most spectacular Eco terrorist strike ever- and if we remain this much complacent, India be where Liberation Eco terrorists were able to carry out a bomb strike on a running Nuclear Reactor?

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