Pope clears the Misconceptions on ‘Missionary Charity’

via Ashok Chowgule published on March 1, 2008

Is there any more proof required that Christian ‘charity’ (at least the Roman Catholic variety) is nothing more than a commercial transaction?


Ref: Philanthropy Isn’t Enough, Insists Pope




The Pope has said:


“We must not forget that works of charity are an important area in which to meet people who do not yet know Christ, or who know him only partially.”


He further goes on to say that “the ultimate aim of their mission is not that of being social service operatives, but of announcing the Gospel of charity.”

So, charity need not be offered to those who know Christ well. And charity is not a goal by itself, but a tool to be used to make people know Christ well – in other words to convert a non-Christian to Christianity.




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