All Pervading Islamic Terror

via Devinder Thakur published on June 1, 2008
We think that only we have problems with the  Islamic terror in
India. You do not have to go far to know that almost every country with
Islamic population has similar problems. The only difference is
perhaps in the tackling of the menace.
The reports of terror plots emanating this year from Muslim region
in the far west of China might seem fanciful,  A foiled plot to blow up
a plane, a cache of TNT to bomb the forthcoming Olympic; even a
“violent terrorist gang” that planned to kidnap Olympic athletes.
But these aren’t whispers on the Internet. They are reports coming
from Chinese government. China’s State Security Ministry is constantly
anxious about stability in  China’s Muslim west.  Separatist in the
Xinjiang region aim to create the nation of “East Turkestan” and have
periodically blown up police stations–even bombed three public buses
in 1997.
The Chinese government has claimed that 162 people were killed in
such terror attacks by Uighur terrorists between 1990 and 2001.
Meanwhile China has sentenced more than  200 people to death since 1997
for engaging  in separatist crime.  Last year, China said that 18
people had been killed when police raided a Uighur terrorist training
camp with ties to Al-Qaeda. The raid netted 1500 grenades.
In March this year,China announced that it foiled a plot “to
create an air crash,” in a plane shortly after it took off from Urumqi
in Xinjiang.  In April, authorities said they confiscated explosives
from Uighurs  planning suicide bomb attacks. Then just this month , a
crowded bus blew up in Shanghai,killing three. No one publicly claimed
responsibility. Ronald Noble, secretary general of Interpol has
received reports  about the separatist plot to disrupt the Olympics
Games with poison gas. So the risk of terrorism during the Olympic
Games is quite real and a big headache for the Chines..

Obviously, knowing all this does not lessen our own problems with
the Islamic terror both home grown as well as foreign sponsored but at
least it should give us an idea of the international dimension of the
problem that we are sharing with the civilised world and our efforts,
or the lack of it, at tackling it effectively,  severely or jointly, by
all the countries who are affected by this menace

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