Until the next riot – – – -!!

via H Balakrishnan published on April 2, 2010


Reference the report  ” Law against communal violence by end of 2010 ” – (TNIE-01 Apr) .

I regret to state that the Union Home Minister has spoken with a ‘ forked & secular ‘  tongue when he stated : ” It is, therefore, an urgent need to dispel any misgiving on the part of the minority community and assure them that the Government of India is committed to preserve, protect and promote secular values – – -.” He, true to Congress style double speak, further stated : ” Unfortunately both sides have some undesirable elements”.

A few years ago, a former retired Chief Secretary and now residing in Chennai, had posted on an Internet group, about his analysis, from the records of the Union Home Ministry, of all the communal riots in India from the turn of Independence to the mid 70s, when he was posted in that Ministry as a Joint Secretary . His analysis revealed that EVERY COMMUNAL RIOT IN INDIA during the period of his review WAS STARTED BY THE MUSLIMS.  Q.E.D.

If that was not enough, Mr.RNP Singh, a former IB officer, had written an extremely well researched treatise : ” Riots & Wrongs “ – India First Foundation, New Delhi. The book is
an eye opener, and therefore WILL NOT BE READ BY THE SECULARS !!  He has analysed all the communal riots in India from 1713 to 2002.

An excerpt from his detailed analysis :

” It would be wrong to allege communal conflict to be the result of systematic attempt of the majority community to devour the minority community for cultural and economic gains. Had it been so, Muslims would have found it quite difficult to bear the brunt of the Hindus who account for about 85% of the total population. Another important factor of the behaviour pattern of the majority community is worth mentioning. The chronological view of the communal riots [in the book] suggests that areas with thick Muslim population are mainly riot prone. Wherever the Muslim population is scattered, the riots have been scarce. It can well be questioned as to why riots take place in areas where Muslims are in substantial minority, like Agra, Aligarh, BAREILLY, Baroda, Biharsharif, Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Jamshedpur, Meerut, Moradabad, HYDERABAD etc. This clearly indicates that the Hindus hardly indulge in communal conflict where they are not provoked religiously or otherwise. Communal tension is usually generated at those places where the Muslim communal organizations, Mullahs and Ulemas have a stronghold and where they are able to sow the seeds of discord and hatred”. (pp-145-146)

Again. ” The main problem with the Muslims is that they live in a world of bigotry, fanaticism and sectarian values. The Indian Muslim is yet to think and act in the terms of being an ‘Indian first and Muslim next’. It was this fanatic and sectarian value of Muslims that led to the Partition of India in 1947. Such values of Muslims, even after Partition, give rise to a suspicion of possible separatist trait in the Muslim mind. Therefore, Muslim leaders often repeat the slogan such as ‘Islam in danger’, which has been the catchword used to exploit the Muslim community to adopt a confrontasionist attitude in order to seek power for themselves”.(pp-147).

Will P.Chidambaram have the intellectual honesty to project the foregoing analysis of the former IB Officer to Godhra, the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri Pandits, Bareilly and now Hyderabad, and give an ‘honest’ appraisal through the media for the citizenary?  Too much to expect from a Congressman !!

Another interesting finding of Mr.RNP Singh is that these riots in N.India usually occur during the Hindu festivals of Holi and Ram Navami !! Barelly was during Holi,and, Mau (U.P.) in 2009 was during Ram Navami !!

Mr.KPS Gill,
the former DG Punjab Police, in the Foreword to this ‘must read’ book, hits the nail ‘squarely’ on the head : Much of the ‘secular’ discourse in India has been based on a ‘politically correct’ refusal to confront the nature of religious communities and institutions, and their past and present activities; and on the ‘fiction’ that ‘all religions are equal’ and that their inherent message is the same. While such a perspective may be useful in dousing transient fires between communities, it cannot even begin to address the sources of such historical conflagrations. The truth is, unless communities acknowledge reality – warts and all – and recognize the transgressions of their own history within a constructive context, no real solution to the issues of communal polarization and violence  in India can be brought about “.

And, it is a long time since I gave up hope on the ‘secular’ English media of our Nation, to be the harbringer of this much needed change. The ‘secular’ media as it exists today, compounds the felony by blaming the ‘victims’ – a la Godhra !!  ‘ They had it coming ‘, ‘ They brought it on themselves ‘,  and more recently in Bareilly – Bajarang Dal – when the truth was otherwise.

Until the next riot then  – – – -!!



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