18th Annual Hindu Unity Day in Newyork – A Report

published on July 28, 2012

“The Hindutva (Hindu-ness) is an antidote to the widespread corruption in India .”  “Sanskrit is the most perfect language for computers.”  
“Hindus must get united and take all necessary action to safeguard their future.”  “Hindus must become a formidable force on the global level for Vedic Dharma.”
 “ India is a secular country because Hindus are in the majority in India .” 
“The DNA tests conducted in many universities in USA have conclusively established that all Indians from the North to the South have the same dominant DNA composition.”
“Send one million retired soldiers to Kashmir, settle them there and solve the Kashmir problem for ever.”

The above assertive statements were made by Dr. Subramanian Swamy, a true personification of the leadership qualities like courage, fearlessness,  dynamism and perseverance, who was the Keynote Speaker at the Eighteenth Annual Hindu Sangathan Divas (Hindu Unity Day) celebration in New York.

The high profile annual event organized jointly by the Hindu Temple Society of North America and Indian American Intellectuals Forum was enthusiastically supported by many Hindus, highly placed professionals, several Hindu associations and temple managements in the area.

The general mood of public and the atmosphere in auditorium was simply electrifying.  The manner in which Hindus from India , Bangladesh , Afghanistan , Pakistan , Nepal , Sri Lanka , Trinidad , Guyana and different states of India expressed their solidarity was highly stimulating. The energetic spirit of attendees who freely mingled with each other irrespective of the distinctions of caste, color and social status shattered the myth and debunked the obnoxious theories propounded by the prophets of doom that Hindus cannot be united.

The Hindu Unity Day celebration by now has become a tradition for Hindus of the tri-state area who eagerly await its arrival each summer. This extremely successful and ever popular event has boosted the morale of Hindus in America and created a sense of confidence in them that they are second to none.  That they are a power to reckon with.

Addressing the large congregation of Hindus, 1,000 plus,  some of whom traveled by cars over 100 miles and flew from Chicago, Pittsburgh and Canada to listen to the great statesman, Dr. Swamy warned that Hindus should guard against the mischievous Aryan and Dravidian theory propagated by our enemies for the sole purpose of creating a rift within the Hindu society. “The DNA tests conducted in many universities in USA have conclusively established that all Indians from the North to the South have the same dominant DNA composition,” asserted Dr. Swamy.

Expressing pain and anguish at the plight of Hindu refugees from Kashmir , Dr. Swamy said that half a million Hindus driven by Kashmiri Muslims are still languishing in Indian refugee camps. This was very sad.  The infuriating problems like these could actually be solved very quickly by sending one million retired Indian army-men in Kashmir and settling  them in the state.

Dr. Swamy urged upon Hindu Americans to learn Sanskrit and Sanskritize the Hindi. NASA Journal on artificial intelligence says that Sanskrit happens to be perfectly suited language for computers.  “If you cannot learn it, teach it to your children because in the next 50 years, Sanskrit is going to be the national language of India .”

We Hindus are secular by nature.  India is secular because Hindus are in majority in it.  History is testimony to the fact that in the past, Hindus allowed Jewish people to build synagogues in India and let Parsis settle in the country when they were driven out of their ancestral Iran upon the Muslim invasion.

In his powerful speech for full one hour, Dr. Swamy time and again so enthralled the audience with his brilliant narration and outstanding arguments in support of the Hindu unity, that he received a frequent ovation from the audience.

The speeches from the other distinguished speakers were thought provoking, the patriotic songs uplifting the spirit, and the traditional dances were scintillating.

Dr. Uma Mysorekar, President of Hindu Temple Society of North America  said that Hindu Dharma is permanent and eternal.   We Hindus should feel proud about our Hindu Dharma.  We are very thankful to this country for allowing us to practice our Dharma.  It is our duty to pay back to this country.  If we  want to be recognized in this country, we must participate in the community events.   We Hindus believe in the adage “Manav Seva is Madhav Seva”.  Hence, it is incumbent on us that we must not shy away from serving local people.

Referring to  Swami Dayanand  Dr. Mysorekar said that he had said that “what you Hindus do in this country will have tremendous impact back home in India ”.  Hence wake up, rise and embrace this great Dharma.  For complete speech, please go to:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_7vDNjz0rQ&feature=youtu.be.

Tracing the history of India, Dr. Narinder Mohan Kukar, Director of Diabetes and Endocrinology in a major teaching hospital in New York  said that Hindus have been under foreign rule/attacks since 8th century;  first by Muslims and then by Christian missionaries.  There is a lot of discrimination against Hindus in India .  Hindus are under siege.  It is necessary that Hindus should unite to safeguard their human rights.  Karl Marx, a German philosopher had said that workers of the world unite.  You will lose nothing but your shirt.  I will modify it and say that Hindus of the world unite.  You will lose nothing but insult, humiliation, subservience and annihilation.

Ms. Sheetal Shah, the New York City-based Senior Director of the Hindu American Foundation (HAF)  said that we at Hindu American Foundation use advocacy as a tool to find unity.  We work to change the stereotypes that Hinduism is nothing more than a superstitious faith with multiple gods that have multiple arms and heads.   Ms. Shah emphasized that Hindu parents need to teach their children about Hinduism, its philosophy as well as the manner in which it is visually represented

Narrating her experience Ms. Shah said that about seven years ago, a team from HAF went to Capitol Hill to meet with our elected officials.  One of our board members introduced himself and said “I am from the Hindu American Foundation.” To which the Congressman asked, “Are you Hindu Sunni or Hindu Shia”?  Full speech at


Pt. Swasti Narayan Dubey
, a Guineas Hindu,  President and Priest of Maha Lakshmi Mandir urged the audience to go back to your roots.  He said that we are living in a computer age.  We have made giant strides in the field of science and technology.  In spite of that we are not happy because we have abandoned our family values, cultural values and religious values.  If we want to solve our problems and bring global unity among all the Hindus, we have to follow Ramayan, Mahabharat, Vedas and Geeta.  If all the Hindus unite, India will be a very powerful nation in the world.

Pt. Jagdish Tripathy stated that we should worship Lord Krishna not only in the form of Bal Gopal (child)  but also in the form of Lord Krishna with Sudarshan Chakra.  We should give up our dearest possessions as Raja Dashrath gave his son Ram to Rishi Vishwamitra for the protection of  humanity and  destruction of evil forces.

Earlier Indira Narasimharajan welcomed the audience.   Priya Sahani Sood emceed the program brilliantly,  Arish Sahani talked about Essay Competition  open to the students in the age group of 11-25 regarding Hindu Unity Day,  Badri Hiriyur, an engineer by profession talked about Hindu Unity and Narain Kataria thanked the audience for their participation, enthusiasm, support, vitality and vigor.


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