Zealot:The Life And Times Of Jesus Of Nazareth – A must read for all CCC’s

published on February 20, 2014

Jesus didn’t want to start a religion. He only wanted to throw out the Romans, so writes Reza Aslan. Aslan has a Master’s from Harvard Divinity School and a Ph.D in the sociology of religions, is fluent in Biblical Greek and has spent most of his time studying the origins of Christianity. Jesus was born when the Romans ruled Palestine. Jesus was a Jewish preacher, who in that troubled time and place spread the message that a “kingdom of god” would soon come, to replace the oppressive Roman regime, and its powerful local supporters, the Jewish priestly and mercantile elites. Jesus and his band of followers attacked the Temple – the Jewish holy of holies – in a move to cleanse it. It was in effect an attempted political coup d’etat. The authorities had to act swiftly to contain the threat that this posed to the existing order. They arrested Jesus, tried him, found him guilty and crucified him. What is significant, says Aslan, is that the crime Jesus was tried for was not Blasphemy but in fact Sedition. This was a crime for which Roman law prescribed the extreme punishment of crucifixion. Aslan concludes, that Jesus was only a political revolutionary. Aslan goes on to say that Jesus was not a pacifist but a violent political warrior, defined by his statement “I have not come to bring peace, but the sword.”

(Full book Review @ http://www.outlookindia.com/article.aspx?289359 )

The book is a major international bestseller, having topped the New York Times and Amazon bestseller lists. I would recommend every convert, intending convert and converts who have become Confused Christian Converts to read this book and seriously introspect reconverting back to Hinduism.

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