Your Excellency Bhardwaj stand by legality and constitutionality

published on July 14, 2010

Governor declares war on BSY Govt

Pioneer News Service | New Delhi/Bangalore

BJP: Bhardwaj acting as Cong’s agent

Karnataka Governor HR Bhardwaj on Tuesday kicked up a major political controversy by asking Chief Minister BS Yeddyurappa to crack whip on his Ministers, the two Reddy brothers, who have interests in iron ore business. The BJP slammed the Governor for acting like an “agent” of the Congress and Revenue Minister Karunakara Reddy has threatened legal action against him.

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Your Excellency Bhardwaj stand by legality and constitutionality
Dr Mrs Hilda Raja

It is Governor Bhardwaj who needs to be put in the dock this not to retrieve the Reddy brothers from the dock but only to set the record straight. Governor Bhardway has posed certain questions: “Can ministers indulge in this kind of corruption? Can they continue to do illegal mining and make such profits? It is a big issue of integrity of those in high office.”

Well said Your Excellency-the only difficulty we ordinary folks cannot accept these coming from you because you need to be put in the dock and made to answer the same questions.

Surely it is a negative to the first question-no minister who indulges in corruption can continue as a minister. But the Governor must ask his leader Mrs Sonia Gandhi why she has not advised the PM from dropping A.Raja and the PM needs to answer this not just to the Governor but to the people of India. Mr Manmohan Singh can a minister who indulges in corruption continue as a cabinet minister?

Surely again it is a “No” to the second question. Nobody can indulge in anything illegal and make huge profits or marginal profits-because the crux is the illegality of it. And not the huge or the small profits that accrue out of that illegal activity. Here again Mrs Sonia Gandhi must be called upon to come clear on the Food for Oil scam. The PM must clear the doubts why he is shielding all those who have black money stashed in foreign havens. Above all Mrs Sonia Gandhi must answer why Quattrrochi was allowed to flee the country. How and with whose assistance in the Cabinet did she work out this since the PM confessed that he was out of the loop. Here is a stumbling stone for His Excellency the Governor of Karnataka who was the Law Minister then when ‘Q’s frozen funds were defreezed. Will the Governor answer why he commissioned a special agent to the UK to perform this illegal task and thus cheat the nation? Was he obeying Mrs Sonia Gandhi? Then what integrity has she?

Again when it comes to allowing foreigners-all criminals to leave the country’s shores where was this integrity and honesty of the Congress Party and the Congress government Your Excellency? The blame game started when Warren Anderson was given the red carpet and allowed to flee the country. Be it the State and or the Centre it is again the Congress. No, retrieve the name of Rajiv Gandhi by all means- was the desperate plea of Mrs Sonia Gandhi because the Gandhis cannot sin. They think that the smart talk of their spokesmen/women can insulate them and wash away their sins. But it only exposed the desperation and the hollowness of Mrs Jayanthi Natarajan and Manish Tiwari. All the time fully aware that integrity and honesty have been thrown to the winds.

To the last statement-“It is a big issue of integrity of those in high office” Precisely-there can be no two opinions on this Your Excellency, and that’s exactly why you cannot adorn the chair of the Governorship-what is your integrity as a Law minister and now are you acting as the Governor of the State of Karnataka or as an agent of the Congress? Can you then talk of integrity of persons in high office? It is unsavory to expose the truth but truth cannot be uttered by persons who have been twisting and denting democracy and its norms.

May we know what it is the democratic sanction of the National Advisory Council? What is the meaning of the GoEmpowered ministers? Does it mean that the other ministers are powerless?  What is the Cabinet’s role? Who in a democracy must advise the Prime Minister? The Congress has flouted every democratic institution and law in its greed for power. Indira Gandhi laid the foundation stone towards this when she declared the Emergency. And it is not becoming of the Governor of Karnataka who is very much a Congress leader to talk of integrity and democracy and corruption. You cannot give to others what you do not have. Similarly you cannot apply such yardsticks when you do not apply these to yourself and your party. And if you apply them your Congress State governments will fall. Many of the coteries and your allies will fall by the road side. And by the way Your Excellency, what are your credentials to raise these crucial humanistic values of integrity and honesty? A blackened Hand cannot wipe clean anything which it touches.

All this is not to belittle the enormity of illegal activities of the Reddy brothers. But one wonders if the Centre was completely in the dark all these years-If Dev Gowda and his sons were unaware of this or did the Reddy brothers suddenly appear in the illegal mining business now during the BJP regime.

The truth is that the Congress wants to embarrass the BJP government and it wants to use all illegal and unconstitutional methods to topple it. So see who is talking of integrity and illegality. Yeddurappa is a constitutionally elected minister and the BJP government will face the electorate on this issue. It is a question of legality and constitutionality- Governor verses the people’s verdict and Governor Bhardwaj who has raised the issue of legality and integrity of those in high office has to go through the litmus test –clear his stand and prove to the people that he would abide by what he demanded by standing up for legality and constitutionality.

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