Yet another Nun kills self, family allege abuse by church.

published on April 1, 2013
COIMBATORE: A 26-year-old nun allegedly committed suicide by consuming poison in the city on Saturday. Relatives of the deceased refused to accept the body after the postmortem at the Coimbatore Medical College Hospital (CMCH), alleging that she was tortured by church authorities. The exact reason for her death is yet to be ascertained.

Angeline Nirmala Reena, 26, from Sowripalayam, became a nun in 2004 and devoted her life to the Roman Catholic Church, police said. She resided on the campus of St John De Britto Church situated on Lawley Road, along with other nuns, for the past four months.

While having breakfast on Saturday, she informed other nuns that she had consumed pesticide and fell unconscious. Immediately, Angeline was taken to a private hospital at RS Puram where she was given first aid. She was transferred to St Maris Hospital at Podanur for further treatment. She died at the hospital. The body was sent to the CMCH for post-mortem.

On Sunday morning, relatives of Angelina refused to accept her body. They blocked the ambulance in which the body was being transported by the church authorities to Puliyakulam burial ground. They demanded action against church authorities and nuns for the death of Angelina. They also demanded the appearance of the Bishop in person at the CMCH to explain what had happened to Angeline.

Alish Reta Mary, mother of the deceased, said her daughter took the extreme step after she was tortured mentally. “My sister was studying BA (English literature) final year at Nirmala College for Women at Race Course. She was tortured by a nun. When she lodged a complaint about this with the authorities, they failed to take necessary action. She could not bear the torture and took the extreme step,” said A Charles Irudhayaraj, 25, brother of the deceased. He alleged that church authorities and a few nuns were behind Angeline’s suicide.

Seven nuns who were present at the CMCH refused to talk to the media. Police pacified the relatives and later the body was sent to the burial ground.

“We are interrogating a few nuns and church authorities. We will be able to ascertain the reason for her death only after a detailed investigation,” said inspector Muthumalai, RS Puram police station. Police have registered a case under section 174 CrPC (unnatural death).

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