Yet Another December 6 – Questions Nation should Ponder

via HK published on December 6, 2009

Headlines of all Dailies carried a News – “No Regrets on Babri Demolition – RSS Chief”. The Tone of the Media is so that they had expected RSS Chief to Apologize and will spend his rest of his life in remorse!

The Media and Islam blames Hindus for razing the Shame of the Nation and there by paving way to restore the lost glory. Indeed all Hindus are proud for what happened in December 6 th and are looking forward to undo the wrongs committed in Kasi and Mathura along with ‘n’ number of other Temples in the nook and corner of the Nation.

Following list compiled by based on Home Ministry Report and H. L. Jad, New Delhi an Advocate in Delhi High Court presented in the Website on the Number of Temples Desecrated and Destroyed in Kashmir are only th eTip of the iceberg.

There is a section of Intellectuals who argues that what Babur did is a part of Historyand we should learn to forget the past and live in peace and coexistence with our Muslim brothers. The details provided down here are not of Temples destroyed by Babur or Gazni but their followers whose past time hobby is to Ridicule, Humiliate, Slaughter, Rape and Convert Hindus.

There is one another section of apologist Historians who gives clean chit to Gazni, Babur and Tippu for attacking Temples. According to their justification they were attacking Temples not because they were following their Holy dictates but to loot the wealth accumulated in Temples in olden time. Yes they had looted and prospered by looting the wealth of Temples but what they couldn’t loot was the spiritual wealth accumulated in the heart of Hindus, which are passed on by generation to generation. None of the Temples destroyed below are not because they were dens of gems and wealth but again to reaffirm their superiority among Minority Hindus in Kashmir.

Did any of the Media personnel’s who are eager to tarnish Hindu society by placing bold letters in their dailies to let the world no RSS is not apologetic about Babri structure demolition bothered to ask their favourite Hurriyat leaders whether they have any REMORSE in destroying the Temples in Kashmir? If Hindus started observing Devember 6 as a moaning day as observed by Muslim organisations and Pseudo Secular Parties, then for Hindus the whole 365 days it will be a moaning day. Each and every day we can trace to a Temple demolition in different parts in our Country. All Retired Judges in India will have to be summoned to probe into the reasons of these Temple demolition and each day in Parliament they can leak each report as did in the case of  Liberhan.   


YEAR 1986:
1. Ganpatyar temple, Srinagar – Stoned – Window panes broken.
2. Bhairav temple, Maisuma – Stoned – minor damage
3. Temple in front of Gurudwara at Amiradadal – ransacked – no damage
to the building.
4. Shiv temple, Jawaharnagar – attempted arson – minor damage to a window,
5. Bhairav Mandir, Karan Nagar – attempted arson – Carpet burned, no
damage to the building.
6, Shiv temple near secretariat – attempted arson – minor damage.
7. Shiv Mandir, Chota Bazar-60-70 rioter tried to attack the temple; police
fired four rounds in the air – no damage,
8. Narayan Math Mandir in Tulsi Bagh – attempted arson and stoning –
minor damage to windowpanes and door.

9. Gautam nag mandlr at Sarnal – set on fire – heavy damage; 3 out of four
rooms destroyed.
10. Shivalay Mandir, Nai Basti – heavy stoning, attempt to destroy and
ransack – damage worth Rs. 10,000.
11. Temple at Wanpoh on Khanabal-Qazigund Road – set on fire- extent of
damage not known.
12. Another temple at Vanpoh – set on fire – extent of the damage not known.
13. Temple at Aishmuqam – attempt at ransacking – one idol damaged.
14. Temple at Dhanbogund, Kulgam – set on fire – extent of damage not known.
15. Navgam temple, Shangas – Heavy stoning – extent of damage not known.
16. Achhabal temple near Navgam – Heavy stoning – extent of damage not known.
17-20. Four temples in Lokbhavan village of Thana Qazigund – attempted
21. Harish Chandra Seva Mandir, Beejbehara – ransacking – idols destroyed.
22. Devi Mandir, village Karebal Beejbehara – ransacking – Idols damaged.
23. Shivalay Mandir, Janglat Mandi, Anantnag town – ransacking – extent
of damage not known.
24. Temple of Dyalgam – attempt at ransacking – extent of damage not known.
25. Temple at Fatehpura village, Qazigund Tehsil – set on fire – extent of
damage not known.
26. Temple at village Siligam, Thana Aishmuqam – attempt at ransacking.

27. Shiv Mandir at village Koil, Thana Pulwama – attempted arson.
28. Temple at village Trisal, Thana Pulwama -AttPmpted ransacking –
idols, microphone taken away; compoundwall of the adjacent cremation ground broken.

29. Kali Mandir in Jamla Kadal Mohalla, Sopore – attempted arson, local
people foiled the attempt – no damage.
30. Fatapura temple, Sopore – stoning – minor damage.

31.Chandi Puiarl temple, VYosu Thana Qazigund) – Arson – damage worth Rs. 20,000.

32. Sharda Devi temple, Yalkot (Thana 8adgam) – attempt to arson – one part burnt.
33.Shiv Temple, Sanghampura – (Thana Biru) – attempt to arson – verandah damaged in arson.
34. Shiv Mandir, Magam (Thana Vodura) – attempt to arson – minor damage.

35. Temple in Bandipore – arsoned – minor damage.
36. Temple in Bandipore – arsoned – minor damage.

YEAR 1988:
1. Ram Mandir, Maharajganj, Srinagar – attempt to arson – minor damage.
2. Shiv Mandir, Sarafkadal, Srinagar – stoned – minor damage.

3. Shiv Mandir, Bandipur – arsoned – Heavy damage.
4. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Barmulla – explosion in Mandir – minor damage.

5. Shiv temple, Shopian – Fully destroyed; heavy damage.
6 . Local tempIe in Tral – Arsoned – Heavy damage.

7. Devi Mandir, Anantnag – arsoned – minor damage.

8. Basaknag mandir, Bhadrawah – arsoned – minor damage.

YEAR 1989:
1. Shri Ram mandir’s Hall, Barbarshah Srinagar – explosion – minor damage.
2. Shiv Mandir Chota Bazar, Srinagar, Fully damaged.
3. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Srinagar – attempt to arson – minor damaqe.
4. Building of Ramkrishna Ashram, Chota Bazar, Srinagar-arsoned-minor damage.

5. Suchcha Nath Mandir, Shopian – arsoned – heavy damage.

6. Shri Ram Mandir, Badgam – destroyed; idols looted – heavy damage.
7. Rama Mandir, Udhampur – heavy damage.

8. Supernag Temple – Idols looted and temple burnt.
9. Siv Mandir Kiratwar – explosion on 2nd Nov. – minor damage.
10. Buichhal Mandir – explosion on 10th Nov. – heavy damage.
11. Temple in Kulharad village – arsoned on 12th Nov. – heavy damage.
12 Temple in Bharat village – arsoned on 12th Nov. – heavy damage.

YEAR 1990:
1. Arya Samaj Mandir and School, Srinagar – explosion an 10th Feb. Minor damage
2. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Srinagar – attempted arson on 24th Feb., minor damage.
3. Arya Samaj Mandir and School Wazir Bagh, Srinagar – explosion on 21st July – heavy damage.
4. Shri Ram Mandir, Babarshah Srinagar – Conference Hall attacked with rocket on 2nd Sept . – minor damage .
5. Shitalnath Mandir, Srinagar – arsoned on 18th Nov. – heavy damage.

6. Lakshmi Mandir, Bijbehara – arsoned on 4th August – Heavy damage.

7. Sharda Mandir, Kalusa, 8andipur-arsoned on 7th Nov.- Heavy damage.

8. Handura Mandir – Precincts desecrated and idols stolen on 13th Nov. –
heavy loss in the form of disappearance of idols.

YEAR 1991:
1. Nagbal Mandir, Anantnag – Explosion – Minor damage
2-3. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Anantnag – Explosion, Grenade thrown – minor damage

4-5. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Srinagar – seven houses of Hindus and two temples arsoned – minor damage.

YEAR 1992:
All arsoned; and minor damages:
1. Raghunath Mandir, Karafali Mohalla, Srinagar – 8 May.
2. Anantnag – 7 December
3. Srinagar – 7 December
4. Kulgam, Anantnag – 7-8 December.
5. Shiv Mandir, Sherpore Kund – 7-8 December.
6. Temple at Karichhama – Tang Marg, Baramulla – 7-8 December.
7. Temple in Baramulla on Kungar Tang Road – 7-8 December.
8. Shri Vishnu Temple, on the Bank of River Jhelum 7-8 December.
9. Kuvi Utraso Temple Anantnag – 7-8 December.
10. Temple of Chitergund, Anantnag – 7-8 December.
11. Temple of Bana Mohalla, Srinagar -7-8 December.
12. Karfali Mohalla, Srinagar -7-8 December
13. Samshan Bhoomi Temple, Karannagar, Srinagar – 7-8 December
14. Narsingh Bagh – Shadipur Temple, Ganderbal, Srinagar – 7-8 December.
15. Nandkishore Temple, Sumbal, Baramulla – 7-8 December.
16. Temple of Pahalgam, Anantnag – 7-8 December.
17-22. Verinag, Anantnag – 8 December.
23. Temple in Tragaon, Kupwara -9 December.
24. Temple in Pattan, Baramulla – 9 December.

Temples Vandalised in Kashmir after December 6, 1992

Source : – Local eyewitnesses of concerned places

S.No. Name of Temple Location Remarks


1. Vamu Mandir Verinag Ancient idol publicly desecrated and then removed.

2. Temple on the spring Verinag Bumt.

3. Vetasta Mandir (Vetha-Vetur) Verinag Burnt. Temple as ancient as River Jehlum.

2 Dharam Shallas (3 storeyed)

4. Buna Gund Mandir Verinag Burnt.

5. Two Dharamshallas Tehsil Kulgam Known as Khir Bhawani Mandir. Burnt after at Manzgam Mandir removing whole moveable property.

6. Uma Nagri Mandir Brari Aangan See Swami Saymanand’s letter.

7. Kantiyani Mandir Kakran Under Dharmarh Trust; blasted and damaged.

8. Mirhama Mandir Kulgam Burnt.

9. Two Shrines Chowalgam Burnt.

10. Kulwagishori Mandir Kulgam Idols desecrated, Dharamshalla burnt.

11. Devsar Mandir Kulgam Burnt.

12. Ancient temple Tripor Sondri Devsar Kulgam Burnt along with Dharamshallas

13. Luka Bhawan Larkipora Three temples and Dharamshallas burnt.

14. Botsar Mandir and Ashram Uttarsoo As per police control room written report, the temple, 8 houses, 2 cow sheds, 2 kothars of Hindus were set on fire.

15. Pahalgam Mandir Pahalgam Temple got gutted partially.

16. Shiva Mandir Sheer Gunj As per police written report the temple, 6 residential houses, 4 cow sheds, were set on fire on 8.12.1992.

17. Ashmuji Mandir Kulgam Burnt along Dharamshalla.

18. One Mandir Chatargul As per police temple was set on fire.

19. Areh Mandir Kulgam Burnt.

20. One Mandir Harad Chanan Police records confirm that militants attempted to set the temple on fire on 11-12/12/92 but was partially damaged.

21. One temple Palhalan (Pattan) During the 9/10 Dec. 1992 militants this.

22. One temple Karihama Burnt.

23. One temple Kreri Burnt.

24. Shiv Vishnov Mandir Baramulla Burnt. Shilputri temple damaged in 1990.

25. Nandkishwar Bairav Nath Sumbal Mandir Police control room reveals it was set on fire on 8-12-1992 but only minor damage took place.

26. Narayan Dass Mandir Tangmarg Burnt.

27. Narayan Bagh Shadipora Police report confirms fire by throwing Shadipora Mandir & Pathshalla grenades.

28. Kunzer Mandir Kunzer Burnt.

29. Karihama Mandir Karihama Burnt.

30. One temple Nowgam Burnt.

31. Bata Gund Mandir Handwara Burnt.

S.No. Name of Temple Location Remarks


32. Chogal Mandir Handwara Burnt.

33. One temple & shed Karan Nagar According to police control room, both gutted.

34. Magarmal Bagh Mandir Srinagar Burnt; in the vicinity of police lines. Srinagar.

35. Karfali Mohalla Mandir Srinagar Damaged.

36. Bairav Nath Mandir Karan Nagar Burnt by mob in broad day light. Nursing Garh

37. One temple Bana Mohalla Burnt by applying fire to varandah adjacent to the temple.

38. Sri Sanatan Dharam Sabha Srinagar As per Radio Kashmir. Kashmir Times, Daily. Buildings Amira Kadal Excelsior and eyewitness message the buildings were set on fire.

Note : Sl No. 1 _ 19 under Anantanag, 20 _ 28 Baramulla, 29 _ 30 Budgam, 31 _ 32 Kupwara and 33 _ 38 Srinagar District

Incidently the eyewitnesses evidence colaborates with the State Police report in many cases.

Temples Vandalised in Feb. 1986

Anantnag District

1. Anantnag Town : Two temples damaged and one looted.

2. Achhabal : One temple desecreated, idols rubbished.

3. Moripura : One temple burnt completely.

4. Sagam : One temple demolished.

5. Naogam : One temple partially burnt.

6. Teelvani : One temple partially burnt.

7. Gautamnag : One two-storeed temple burnt and Dharamshala damaged.

8. Krangsoo : Pujari Baba of a temple beaten.

9. Akura (Mattan) : One temple and its entire property looted, and shed set on fire.

10. Dialgam : One temple heavily damaged by stoning.

11. Salar : One temple set on fire.

12. Aishmuqam : One temple set on fire.

13. Bijbihara Town : Two temples looted; ancient idols, desecrated. (Jai Devi Temple)

14. Wanpoh (Gasipora) : Two temples, and Samadhi of Swami Dama Kak, burnt.

15. Dhanav (Bogund) : Two temples and one Dharamshala burnt.

16. Chogam : One temple stoned; its doors, windows and three pillars broken.

17. Verinag : One temple near the holy spring damaged, doors broken, idols thrown into the spring. Pawan Sandhya, converted into a place for construction of mosque.

18. Larkipora : Three temples of Goddess Durga, Siddha Lakshimi and Shiva completely burnt, idols broken into pieces.

19. Fatehpura : One temple completely burnt alongwith its entrance gate. Ancient Shiva idol broken to pieces.

20. Quill (Pulwama) : One temple damaged partially.

21. Trisal : One temple stoned, compound wall of another temple damaged.

22. Pawan Sandhya converted into a Mosque.

Srinagar District

23. Ganpatar (Srinagar) : Temple heavily stoned.

24. Jawahar Nagar : Shiv Mandir damaged along property.

25. Maisuma : Dashnami Akhara, from where Chhari Mubarak leaves for Holy Amarnath Cave, burnt down.

26. Raghunath Mandir : Damaged by stoning.

27. Tullamulla : One temple in the village burnt.

28. Waskura : The famous temple of Mata Rupa Bhawani partially burnt.

29. Gandherbal : Two temples burnt and two temples damaged.

Badgam District

30. Yachhgam : One temp
e partially damaged.

31. Badgam Town : Sharda temple damaged.

32. Chadura : One temple damaged.

Kupwara District

33. Tekpora : One temple burnt.

34. Lalpura : One temple burnt.

35. Handwara : One temple damaged.

Baramulla District

36. Baramulla Town : One temple partially damaged.

37. Vankura : One temple fully damaged.

38. Sopore : One temple partially damaged.

39. Bandipora : One temple partially burnt.

total 55 (fifty-five)

Sources :
The Statesman March 5, 1986

The Hindu March 4, 1986

The Telegraph March 4, 1986

The Hindustan Times March 3, 1986 (Editorial)

Kashmir Samiti, New Delhi

The Martand, Srinagar

Countless eyewitnesses

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