Yet another blow in linking saffron with terrorism

published on September 2, 2013

Here is the relevant parts of a report about the Centre rejecting the Maharashtra government’s request to ban the Abhinav Bharat.

“According to sources in the MHA, there wasn’t substantial material at hand to establish Abhinav Bharat’s “terror activities” over the last two-three years. It also cited the absence of any clear information on the organizational structure of the Hindutva outfit, including its leaders and cadre still at large, or its offices and hideouts. The security agencies had no track of its continued terror funding either.”

The report also says,“Not only are most of its top cadres like Lt Col Shrikant Purohit, Sadhvi Pragya Thakur and Lokesh Sharma already behind bars, but it now seems Abhinav Bharat was a only ginger movement limited to states like Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. The MHA felt that given its lack of pan-Indian influence and inconspicuous activity in the recent years, there was no merit in banning the outfit. “

Anybody who has been following the 2008 Malegaon blasts would be aware of the fact that, even four years after the arrest of Sadhwi pragya Singh, Lt.Col.Purohit and others, neither the Maharashtra ATS nor the CBI could find any evidence of their involvement in the blasts. The NIA too is still groping in the dark to somehow connect these so-called “Hindu/Saffron/Right Wing terrorists” to all terrorist attacks since 2006 Malegaon blasts.

The present report is clear indication that even the existence of the so-called Abhinv Bharath as a terrorist organization was a figment of imagination of those secular fundamentalists who are hiding behind the burqa of pseudo secularism.

Meanwhile, it is quite significant to recall that one ex-RAW officer had recently claimed that there was reason to believe that there was a conspiracy for putting the blame of 26/11 Mumbai attack on the RSS and other Hindu outfits to let the Jehadi terroists off the hook and give them clean chits. Remember, first Abdul Rahman Antulay claimed that it was an RSS job followed by Digvijay Singh releasing a book written by a Muslim Urdu journalist titled,”26/11 Mumbai Attack: An RSS Conspiracy”. That ex-RAW officer also said that the arrest of Sadhwi Pragya Singh and Lt. Coil. Purohit was a conspiracy by some very higher ups to lay foundation for their claims of Hindu terrorism in the country so that when they blame RSS and other Hindu outfits for 26/11 Mumbai attacks, the “mango people” or the “cattle class people” of this “banana republic” would swallow it without even blinking their eyes. But, the valiant and patriotic Maharashtra Police Constable Thukaraam Omble spoiled all their plans by capturing Ajmal Kasab.

Yet, the secular fundamentalists did try to make the maximum benefit out of the arrest of Lt. col. Purohit. One of them came out with an article,” Saffron in Uniform” written with the clear intention of infusing the communal divide into our defence services, after having successfully kept the civil society divided on the basis of religion for the past sixty years for their vote banks. It is because we, ordinary “non-intellectual, non-elite trolls” of this country are very lucky that the evil designs of those pseudo-secular brigades of communally dividing the defence forces did not succeed and the defence forces still remain a united force, much to the discomfort of those pro Jehadi intellectuals.

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