Yes, Only Majority Hindus Can Save India from Becoming Another Pakistan

via Narain Kataria , New York published on April 12, 2009

India is under an armed attack from within and without.  An undeclared war has been unleashed on Hindus.  Hizbul Mujahideen chief Salahuddin has planned to send 400 trained terrorists to launch terror strikes during the country’s general elections in April/May 2009.  Another Muslim terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Toiba has threatened to target India ’s senior scientists and its top Hindu politicians. .  According to one report in The Times of India, 107 people have been killed and 449 others injured in bomb blasts that have rocked Assam in the last six months   U.S. State Department has said that there were at least 971 Naxalite attacks in the first seven months of 2007.   



During the last five years of United Progressive Alliance government led by the Congress Party , India has touched the nadir of humiliation and degradation in post-independence era.  At this time, thousands of Jihadists and Maoists are being trained to destabilize India .  The lack of political will in India , deep vested interest of political class coupled with the vote bank politics has emboldened various cabals of terrorists to kill innocent people and spread anarchy all over India .


The deadly combination of radical Islamic and Maoist terror is the single biggest internal security threat to India ’s existence as an independent nation.  Several mini-Pakistans have sprung up all over India .  Azamgarh region in Uttar Pradesh and southern sate of Kerala have become breeding ground for Islamic terrorism.  Muslim Sleeper cells all over the country are waiting for a signal to commence the subversive activities and bleed India to death.


Both these fanatic groups want to tear India apart.  They are guided by the foreign ideologies. Their loyalty to India is highly questionable.  Islamic fundamental is funded by the Hawala money.  Hence no information is available on the government records.  However, according to the Home Ministry Report for year 2005-06, posted by Sanjeev Nayyar at [email protected], states that Rs. 7,877 crores were sent to India by way of contributions. One other report indicates that between year 1993-94 and 2006-07, a staggering sum of Rs. 64,670 crores was sent to India from Western countries.  Bulk of this money goes to Missionaries in India who convert poor Hindus to Christianity.  After converting to Christianity, these people join the Maoist movement, kill their own brothers and create chaos and mayhem all over India .


The magnitude of danger posed to the survival of India in one piece can be gauged from the following few examples.  Maoists have already overthrown the Hindu government and taken over the neighboring Nepal .  Naxalites-Maoists now have a presence in 40% of India ’s geographical area.  In the last two years, Naxal-related violence has already claimed the lives of 700 people in India including 250 security personnel.  In 2008, India’s Central Reserve Police Force in its operations in 18 states seized 7,000 kg of explosives  According to an estimate made by the Police, about 5000 Maoists armed with AK-47 rifles, mortar and rocket launchers and land mines are very active in this area. These are backed by another 20,000 cadres who carry self-loading rifles.  It should be clear from the above that a diabolical conspiracy has been hatched to create an interregnum in India , destabilize its economy and finally balkanize India on the lines of Soviet Union or Yugoslavia .


Radical Islamists are ruthlessly killing Indian citizens, mostly Hindus, with impunity.  Due to its vested interest in Muslim votes, the Government of India , headed by the Congress Party, pursues pro-terrorist policies and deliberately downplays the heinous role played by Islamic sleeper cells in the terrorist attacks.


Secularism has become an euphemism for the Hindu-bashing.  Hindu has become a dirty word in the lexicon of phony-secularists.  Any person espousing the Hindu cause is dubbed communal.  That person is harassed, demonized and his/her voice is gagged.  If the person displays any signs of stubbornness, that person is put in jail under the National Security Act a la Varun Gandhi!


On the other hand, no action is taken to hang the convicted terrorist Afzal Guru, the mastermind behind the 2001 attack on India’s Parliament.  No action is taken against the Kashmiri Muslims who burn the Indian flag in full public view.  No action against is taken against the Muslim legislator of UP who had announced Rs. 50 lakh award to anyone who would behead the Danish cartoonist allegedly to have insulted Prophet Mohammed!  No action was also taken against the Ulema Council members who unfurled Indian flag upside down in a public rally in New Delhi .  This utterly unfair treatment of Hindus in their own country is the closest thing to the Islamic rule of Aurangzeb.


Elections 2009 will start from April 16th.  This is a crucial time for the Indian electorate.  They get an opportunity to decide whether they want to be ruled by the Gandhi Dynasty or the nationalist parties like BJP. The other lesser choices they have are the Leftist-Islamist combine supported by selfish and greedy Hindus who derive inspirations from Russia/China/Pakistan, or by the castiest leaders and regional satraps.


It is about time the Hindus learn from Muslims and Christians who almost invariably vote strategically and en block.  If Hindus use their common sense, intelligence, financial resources and cast their votes en block in favor of those candidates who have the Hindu interests in their heart,  they could jettison all anti-Hindu politicians and put their own candidates in Parliament.


As declared by the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha, the apex representative body of all Hindus, every individual vote is sacred and sacrosanct.  If Hindus want to avoid five more years of ignominy and discomfiture and they want to live in India with self-respect and dignity, they should cast their  vote judiciously  in favor of those who can guarantee them safety and security.  They should give their precious vote to those candidates who want to take Bharat Mata to the pinnacles of glory.  Hindus should reject all other candidates outright who subscribe to the alien ideologies of hate and intolerance.


Hindus and Sikhs are the backbone of Indian society and polity.  India, as a country, is secular because the Hindus are in majority.  Anyone working against Hindu interests should be treated as a traitor to the Hindu cause and should be boycotted socially.  Therefore, it devolves on the 83% Hindu majority to show signs of courage and maturity, and vote only for those candidates that possess the brave kshatriya spirit to liquidate the enemies of nation.


It is only through this vigorous and collective response from Hindu public that the India could be saved from becoming another Pakistan .

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