Write to OECD-An appeal

published on May 2, 2009

During a meeting held in Chennai on 1 May 2009 when Prof. Vaidyanathan and Shri MR Venkatesh made brilliant presentations on the public loot in tax havens abroad and use of participatory notes to stash away monies, Shri BS Raghavan, IAS (Retd.) mada a suggestion that civil society should bring pressure to bear upon OECD appealing to the moral responsibility of developed nations to facilitate the return of the public loot kept in tax havens.

I fully endorse this excellent suggestion of Shri Raghavan. Here is a sample of an email sent [email protected]

Please write similar letters to berlin.centre and forward this message to your friends. The voices of over a million citizens of the world will have to be heard by every developed democracy.

Thanking you for your consideration and with the best regards,



Sample email


To: [email protected]

Dear Sirs,

We, the ordinary citizens of India, understand, with great consternation and deep concern, that large sums of illegally and surreptitiously looted money are allegedly stashed away by hundreds and thousands of unscrupulous, corrupt, knavish politicians, civil servants, industrialists, businessmen, judges, drug mafia and several others, in tax havens. You would please agree that the said money has been plundered from the honest tax paying citizens of the country, to whom it must rightfully be returned.

If the guesstimates are to be believed, $1.5 trillion of Indian money is so stashed away, and it means that 750 million Indians have been impoverished at the rate of Rs.100,000 each (which is equivalent of an entire life earnings for most Indians.)

It is the moral responsibility of G-7 nations to get the tax havens to declare the moneys of poor countries held and compel the financial institutions of these tax havens to return the money to the poor countries forthwith.

Kindly enlighten the citizens of India on what Germany proposes to do to make this return of poor peoples’ monies a reality.

Thanking you for your consideration & hoping for a kind reply,

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