Worst effects of pseudo-secularism: The Hindus losing identity

via Mahadev published on December 31, 2005

The Hindus believe that all religions are the same. This indoctrination by the various Hindu religious leaders is based on the philosophy that God (Brahman) is in all living creatures though different religions follow different paths to attain salvation.


Having accepted this philosophy, the broad-minded Hindus, who are tolerant to everything, do celebrate Christmas like the followers of Christianity in Kerala. They do it even knowing very well the fact that the narrow-minded religions do not respect or accept Hinduism or the Advaita philosophy of the Hindus.


The enthusiasm of the Hindus to celebrate Christmas is increasing year after year. Most of the Hindu homes are illuminated with colorful lights and stars. Christmas Carol groups visit these homes to sing carol songs proclaiming the birth of Jesus Christ. Young Hindu boys in the age group of 12-15 years are also drawn into the carol groups organized by local clubs etc, probably with the covert support of the local churches. The ultimate objective must be to make a psychological impact on the Hindus, especially the children who, as they grow will develop a slant and emotional attachment towards Christianity.  In fact,  some of the Hindus say that they do it to please the children who insist on having the stars and illuminations at home. But, in that process they are losing their identity and becoming crypto-Christians.

Hinduism is so generous that its followers do not hate other religions or oppose their festivals, But, that does not mean that they should celebrate it. In fact, during Christmas season falls the Pancha Ganapathi Festival about which the Hindus by and large are ignorant. They could celebrate this festival during the Christmas season by illuminating the house with lights and other Hindu symbols instead of the stars. The small kids would be satisfied by it. Besides, to avoid the carol songs they could organise Ganapathi pooja, bhajans, accompanied by distribution of sweets to the kids. Thus, the children would remain happy and without being influenced by the alien religion.

But, unfortunately the Hindus are not ready to take it as they say it is celebrated all over the world. Unlike in India, it is not celebrated in the Islamic world comprising of around 60 nations under the Organisation of Islamic Countries. They might call it the narrow-mindedness of the Muslims. But, at the same time these Hindus do not realize and bother to understand that Christians, because of their monotheistic religion, do not celebrate either the Hindu festivals or those of the Muslims.

Ironically, the mindset of the Hindus is such that they do not even participate in the Janmashtami celebrations organized by the Balagokulam, an organization of Hindu children. The reason for their absence is that it is organized by the Hindu organization which, they consider untouchable as it is an organ of the RSS that advocates patriotism and nationalism.

Among these Hindus the Church is successfully projecting the Christ and the followers of Christianity are the saviors of the poor and they are for peace and the uplift of downtrodden. They spread the message among these people that Jesus has sacrificed his life for the sinners, with an emotional touch to win over these pseudo secular Hindus.

To support these doctrines they project their contributions to the field of education, health, orphanages and the divine/meditation centres etc. The publicity machinery of the Churches is well organized with wide network and is rich enough to take their messages to the people anywhere and everywhere; not only in the state but all over the country. Whereas, the Hindu organizations silently do much more such humanitarian activities, but without any publicity and as a result it remains unknown to even the Hindus. Therefore, the image of the RSS these Hindus carry is the one drawn by the pseudo-secular political parties and the minorities.

On the contrary, they treat Christianity as pro-poor and liberal. With the result, they do not react and remain reticent even when the soil from beneath their feet is being removed. In fact, they are being exploited by the Church in the state in every spheres of life. Be it in grabbing land property, education, industry, or agriculture.

An analysis of Christmas and New Year celebrations in India would reveal that it is only among those people who had English education in missionary schools in the country who are more pro-Christian or crypto-Christians. Most of the Indian politicians with the exception of those in the BJP are either pro-Christians or crypto Christians.

How far they have been influenced by the church is evident from the statement made by the Indian Human Resources Development Minister, Mr Arjun Singh in Sep 2005. He was quoted by the Press Trust of India (PTI) as saying “I joined a convent school in Allahabad in 1937 in which we attended church, but were also taught Ramayana, Holy Gita and Holy Quran”.  Thus, even during the British Raj the education system had a “balanced outlook towards society”. Therefore, according to Mr Singh “some educated fools” were responsible for most of the present troubles in the country. But, Mr Arjun Singh does not realize that without converting him to Christianity his education in the convent had made him to speak for them.


That is why, Mr T B Macaulay, the architect of British Indian Education system had said “every young Brahmin … who learn geography in our colleges learns to smile at the Hindu mythology….. the grammar and spelling book suffice to destroy the Hindu religion”.  Meanwhile, Charles Trevelyan another senior official of the colonial government said “a generation is growing up which repudiates idols. A young Hindu who had received a liberal English education, was forced by his family to attend the shrine of Kali, upon which he took off his cap to “Madam Kali”, and  made her a low bow, and hoped her ladyship was well”.


Most of the Indian politicians except those in the BJP might belong to that generation whom Trevelyan and Macaulay had referred. Even Trevelyan had assured Lord Bentinck that “English education shall sound the death knell of the idolatrous religions not only in India, but of all Asia. According to him “Hinduism is not a religion which will bear examination”.


The bane of India, therefore, is that after Independence the rule of the country fell into the hands of those iconoclasts and anti-Hindus who had received British education and devout followers of Western materialism. For them “it would be wrong to refer to the coming of the British to India as a Christian invasion, or to call the British period in India a Christian period”. Thus, they became the facilitators of proselytism by large number of foreign and indigenous Christian missionaries, despite the fact that Gandhiji was against it.


Most of the English educated Hindus in India who look to the West for everything, maintain a feeling that the non-Christians in the Christian dominated countries enjoy the kind of freedom the minorities in India have.  In all the countries having majority Christian population, though they look more liberal and secular, the Church wields its influence over the government and administration. Similar is the case with Islamic countries. A survey in the United States found that in 2004, 72 per cent Americans believed that a US president should have strong religious beliefs while only 24 per cent were against this view.


Given this scenario the Hindus need to transcend their rhetoric that all the religions are not the same as Dr Frank Morales, founder of American Institute of Yoga says. “Sanatana Dharma, authentic Hinduism, is a religion that is just as unique, valuable and integral a religion as any other major religion on earth, with its own beliefs, traditions, advanced system of ethics, meaningful rituals, philosophy and theology. The religious tradition of Hinduism is solely responsible for the revelation of such concepts and practices as yoga, Ayurveda, Vastu, Jyothisha, Yajna, Puja, Tantra, Vedanta, Karma etc. these and countless other Vedic-inspired  elements of Hinduism belong to Hinduism and to Hinduism alone. They are also Hinduism’s divine gift to a suffering world.


Dr Frank also successfully argues that all the religions are not the same as a section of the Hindus believe. “Since (a) no other religions know the truth that all religions are th same and since (b) only Hinduism knows the truth that all religions are the same, only Hinduism knows the truth of all religions.  Thus, only Hinduism knows the truth of all religions. Therefore, Hinduism is both distinct and superior to all religions”.


The Hindus following the pseudo-secularism of the Congress, communist and other parties in India in general and Kerala in particular need to study their rich culture, traditions and above all their religion which has been accepted by scholars around the world as the superior unlike they have been taught by the British colonial masters.


Dr David Frawley, A Vedic Scholar, in his famous book “Hinduism: The Eternal Tradition (Sanatana Dharma), writes “In fact, of the religions that exist in the world today, Hinduism is perhaps the most likely to become the religion of the future. The reason for this is not that Hindus have the most money or the most missionaries,or are the most strongly motivated to take over the world. The reason is that Hinduism, as a conscious formulation of the universal tradition, has the breadth to encompass, integrate and transcend all existent religions. It has a wideness of cosmic vision which can not only embrace but extend the field of modern science into spiritual domains”.


The Great Voltaire foresaw this and said “I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges, astronomy, astrology, metempsychosis etc.”, while according to William Macintosh ”All history points to India as the mother of science and art”. For the century German Scholar, Dohm, the “Hindus to be gentlest of people”.


Unfortunately, for most of the pseudo-secular Hindus who have been intellectually enslaved by the colonialists and their legacy, these truths still remain unknown. Hence, they take pride in their colonial heritage and speak for them and celebrate Christmas and their New Year.



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