Woman Islamic Terrorists in India!

via Vedaprakash published on May 1, 2009

proves again

Now we have Woman Islamic terrorists or rather “Islamic woman terrorists” in India! As

Deepak Kapoor, Indian Army chief General confirmed
from Kashmir Valley after the Doda encounter in which two such Islamic woman
terrorists were killed. As Indian has been marching towards west, particularly,
US in all aspects, we, Indians have 26/11 just like September 11.  We have already have enough rave parties,
unzipped and zipped sexes, nude dances, fancy shows and so on. Now it is the
turn of new breed of women targeting India. However, it is surprising to note
that Indian sociologists and psychologists do not discuss, analyze and find
solution for such new type of terrorism raised by the Jihadi forces. Moreover,
such symptoms and trends have already been noticed in the extreme south and
north with the involvement of female Islamic terrorists. Thus, this new aspect
is studied critically here and it is only a preliminary attempt, as more
material is available and it has to be presented with through analysis.


terrorists, handlers, operatrors etc

: The CNN-IBN, TIMES-NOW, NDTV and others should be
thanked for educating the Indians with new vocabulary and as usual, they have come
out with the categorization of such female Islamic terrorists like “woman
terrorists”, “woman handlers” etc. We can understand “woman terrorist” in the
context. As for as the “Woman handlers”


are concerned we may have to understand them
as woman trainers, woman coachers, woman managers and woman supervisors of
Islamic terrorism in India.
“operators” and “operatives” could be construed accordingly.



and overground woman workers

The Islamic female terrorists who have been operating since 2005 have also been
identified and categorized as –


woman workers – UGW


woman workers – OGW



Underground woman workers” have been
the woman workers so indoctrinated and imbibed with “Jihadi terrorism”
thoroughly that they are prepared to act covertly, secretively, stealthily and
clandestinely to achieve their “Islamic goals and objectives” i.e,
establishment of “Dar-ul-Islam” on the earth by all means and at all levels and
thus sacrificing every thing. Thus, overtly, visibly, explicitly or openly, they
may look exactly with opposite jihadi-qualities i.e, they appear to be very
kind with kafirs, as if they are working for the kafirs and so on.


Overground woman workers” have been
the woman workers so indoctrinated and imbibed with “Jihadi terrorism”
thoroughly that they are prepared to act openly in the field just like their
counterparts or even excelling them. Thus, we Indians have seen Zahida Banoo,
Asiya and Samreena Bano in action.


entrusted to Jihadi woman terrorists

: From the guides, pattern, modus
operandi etc., it is noted that these women act as couriers, carriers,
operators, spies, handlers and so on and they “would supply their counterparts
everything they required


How the training is
imparted to woman to become terrorists?

As Asiya, the wife of Pakistani Army
havaldar Mohammad Sajjad
., explains, they have terror camps at in POK :



“How to fire” taught by mujahids

: “In Bimbar camp I
saw mujahids
training along with women participants. There were over 700 women. They have learnt
to fire
. But I do not know how to fire,”


“outsiders” impart terror training

: “There are camps in,
Bimar, Kotli, Sensa. In Sensa, the Army trains the mujahids and in Kotli it is
the agencies that train them. But in Bimbar it is the outsiders,” provided


“Education and schooling” in terror

: The women read, study and
undergo training sessions on using firearms, said Asiya. So, clearly the entire
operation goes on under the garb of education and schooling.


Spying for Jihadi terror

: Asiya reportedly had been sent to
gather information on the deployment of Indian forces at the Line of Control.
She has also confessed that Pakistani army and intelligence agencies train


How to infiltrate and settle down?

Senior intelligence
officers say that there have been recent inputs that women have been trained to
cross over and settle down in Jammu
and Kashmir to finally act as spies here.

Links of woman terrorists with deserted Indian Muslim Jawans:
Zaffarullah Khan, a jawan of Territorial Army, escaped with AK Rifles last month (March 2009) after he deserted the Indian Army to join the LeT. Though there have been many such instances, generally, such “desertions” are not reported for reasons. However, about Indian army, much discussion was made after the “Malegoan” incidence. However, now everybody is sleeping or decided to suppress such important incidence.


What is the reason of suppressing the fact of an Indian soldier deserting army with AK Rifles? Zaffarullah Khan, yes Zaffarullah Khan and name proves that he is a Muslim. So a Muslim soldier of Indian army could behave as a Muslim only. He could desert at any time, when a call is made in the name of Islam, Quran or Jihad. As a Muslim, when such call is made, he has to choose Islam between Islam and India. Thus, evidently, he left India and chooses Islam to join LeT. However, as it is the time of elections and every politician wants to get vote from Muslim as Muslim and so on, the Indian secularism prevails and Indian downs with Hindu communalism relegated to the “communal BJP” !


Who are these Islamic woman terrorists? For example, Zahida Bano has been an accomplice, collaborator and co-conspirator of Shehbaz. Who is Shehbaz? Shehbaz alias Nisar is one of the Laskar-e-Toiba’s Commanders. Police sources say Zahida was an accomplice of Shehbaz. The two AK rifles recovered are the same that Zaffarullah Khan, a jawan of Territorial Army, escaped with last month after he deserted the Army to join the Lashkar.” She was involved, no doubt. However she was not a militant but rather an overground worker. The three who were caught were her brothers and she would supply them everything they required,” said Prabhat Singh, SP, Doda


The record of Woman Islamic terrorists and workers killed and arrested
[3]: The army, police and security forces claim that they arrested “many such women” in the past without giving any details. The NDTV reports characteristically, “This is not the first time that a woman over ground worker has been killed in the past. In May 2008, another over ground worker Samreena Bano was killed in an encounter in the Doda district. In the past many women have been arrested who were working as couriers and over ground workers of the militants. Army General chief Deepak Kapoor’s recently said that there was information that women are being trained on the other side to infiltrate into Jammu and Kashmir. Clearly, this should be a worrying trend for the security forces.”


N In the past many women have been arrested who were working as couriers and over ground workers of the militants[4].

N This is not the first time that a woman over ground worker has been killed in the past[5].

N In the encounter on April 18, 2009 Zahida Qausti was killed in an encounter in Doda[6].

N On November 13, 2008, Asiya, the wife of Pakistani Army havaldar Mohammad Sajjad was arrested[7].

N In May 2008, another over ground worker Samreena Bano was killed in an encounter in the Doda district[8].

NIn March 2008, two women
had been arrested in Doda as Lashkar’s over the ground workers

NIn 2007, Nahida Altaf, a
law student was also arrested for allegedly working for Hizb-ul-Mujahideen..
but Asiya’s chilling confessions have proved that terror really does have a new
face altogether


officers, Media and Political experts keep mum
: The way in which all these reacted
in the case of Sadhvi and Prohit is not reenacted here. In fact, nothing is
known and nothing happened. None bothered about the secularism or
communalization of armed forces. None talked about talibanization of Indian
forces or infiltration of Indian army with Jihadi terrorists.
Zaffarullah Khan, a
jawan of Territorial Army, could not have deserted the Army, escaped just like
that with AK Rifles last month and joined the Lashkar immediately. The involved
parties – The Indian army, LeT and Zaffarullah Khan are not idiots to do so. Zaffarullah
Khan must have been working within Indian army proving his jihadi credentials
and satisfying the “terms and conditions” LeT. As he has escaped with AK
Rifles, it is evident that he planned with other accomplices there and done it
successfully. And everything could happen in India, because he Zaffarullah Khan
and We Indians are secular.


The rhetoric of Indian Army Chief General:Deepak Kapoor, Indian Army
chief General confirmed from Kashmir Valley after the Doda encounter in which
two such Islamic woman terrorists were killed and was commenting.


L“We have had no traces
of Taliban. But I would like to say, if any element… whether it is LeT
(Lashkar-e-Toiba), JeM (Jaish-e-Mohammad), HuJI (Harkat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami)…
whenever an element tries to disrupt peace in a region he will be dealt with in the same
fashion. He will be neutralised
,” said General Deepak Kapoor.

Could he really take such action? He claims that the
terrorist of the groups mentioned, “he will be dealt with in the same fashion.
He will be neutralised

LThe Army chief also assured
that the borders will be guarded during polls. “We had already foreseen
all this happening. We are quite well prepared for it. We did expect, because
of the elections, there would be a certain amount of calibration from the other
side to push in infiltrators,” said General Kapoor.

LThe General also claimed
that women terrorists were being trained on the Pakistani side of the Line of
Control to infiltrate into India
for terror acts. “We have information that women are being trained on the
other side to infiltrate into Jammu
and Kashmir. It is possible that women may be
involved in giving directions to the terrorists,” the Army chief said,
when asked about the possibility of involvement of women handlers in the
Pulwama encounter that ended on Monday with the killing of two terrorists.

L“We are quite
confident that we will be able to meet this situation and are quite sure that
people will be able to exercise their franchise in a peaceful and stable
environment as had happened for assembly elections,” Kapoor added.


Black widows and wives of terrorists used: There have been papers[11] on “female suicide terrorism”, but the
article of Peter Bergen & Paul Cruickshank to some extent suits the Indian
context to understand the psyche of the Islamic woman terrorists


…….terrorism is no longer a
male-only preserve. In a perverse kind of militant Islamist feminism, radical
Muslim women–particularly from Western countries–are signing up for Al
Qaeda’s jihad, often in tandem with their husbands. This growing trend means that
Al Qaeda’s narrative (of the United States and its allies at war with Islam) is
taking hold in the Muslim world–and not just among rogue men with something to
prove; it is also taking hold among women and families. It means that Al
Qaeda’s campaign is entering a new phase. Among the Sunni militants who make up
its ranks, there has always been a strong taboo against the use of women in
combat. But, under the pressure of Islamist propaganda (images of Muslims
suffering in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Lebanon), that taboo has crumbled. Women
now threaten the United States just like men


If we look at in the Indian context,
the present new face of Islamic woman terrorism could fit into such a patent,
as the young women arrested and killed have been married to Jihadi-terrorists.


Al Qaeda is
turning more to female operatives and husband-and-wife teams because they give
operations a greater chance of success; they attract less suspicion and are
less likely to be flagged for security checks. And attacks by women generate
maximum publicity. For the same reasons, Chechen and Palestinian terrorists
have also increasingly used female suicide attackers for their operations after
overcoming initial reluctance. Chechen terrorists deployed “black
widows,” for instance, to help storm a Moscow theater in 2002 and to bring
down two Russian passenger jets in 2004. In 2005, Islamists used female suicide
attackers for the first time in Egypt and Kashmir


Incidentally, the authors pointed out
the deployment of “black widows” in Kashmir for first time!


Psychoanalysis of Islamic woman
: Mireille Bachir[13] has  made interesting analysis as follows:


thesis approaches Islamic female terrorism on three-levels of analysis. It
proposes that a psychoanalysis of Islamist women, an analysis of their
inter-personal relationships with significant and non-significant others,
mainly their terrorist peers and leaders, a study of how they take a stance
against their states and international actors, mainly super-states, a global
power, serve as a good methodological rationalization of how and why they
engage in terrorism.


“My working
definition of Islamic female terrorism is that it is a self-victimizing,
violent protest against the self, interpersonal contracts and networks, the
state and the international system.


terrorist group in which those women express their violent political protest
and feminism is a misogynist group which reinforces their stereotypical
gendered image. Across-the-board, terrorism becomes a gendered business with
unequal gendered consequences and unequal gendered rewards. Those women have
neither played an equal role to their male terrorist counterparts nor has their
engagement in terrorism revolutionize and advance or even slightly better their
status in their societies


In the Indian context, generally,
there is no discrimination shown to Muslim women. Hindu and Muslim women have
good relationship with each other inviting for their family functions etc. Only
Islamized women start avoiding attending such functions under the guise of “haram”
and so on. The more, the Muslim women are Islamized, the more the fundamentalist
they become. The more the fundamentalist they become, the more they are prone
to become terrorists. Here, not only ordinary widows, “black widows” etc., act
as terrorists even young ladies work


How a
Muslim woman becomes a terrorist?
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