Will Sony dare to make Playstation games on Allah or Jesus?

via S V Badri published on May 8, 2009

Protesting Sony Corporation’s insult to Hindu god Hanuman worshipped by millions of Hindus all over the world.

is the letter of protest I wrote to the Japanese Ambassador to India. I
request readers to write to him to protest a Japanese corporation’s
wanton insult of Hindu Gods to:

Email to: [email protected]

Mr. Hideaki Domichi
Ambassador of Japan to India

New Delhi.

Your Excellency,

I write this to strongly protest the blasphemous act of one of your country’s best-known corporations, M/S Sony Corporation.

Sony’s Indian company has introduced a game called as Hanuman – The Boy Warrior. Here’s a link to the product:

Please go through the description of the game:
 good players play, Hanuman wins; but in the hands of a novice, Hanuman
loses in the game. So Hanuman is an object of game. This is
objectionable and blasphemous. We have no objections if it is a cartoon
or film correctly depicted without deviation from the Itihasa and

is one of the most revered Gods of Hindu religion. To make the most
worshipful Hanuman as an object of game is blasphemous and hurts the
sentiments of a billion Hindus, the world over. I am aghast at the
attempt of the Japanese company to reduce an Indian God to the levels
of a batman, a spiderman, a superman and a He-man. This hurts us and no
amount of explanations would ease our sense of deep hurt.

Following is the protest I had made to the Indian representative of Sony and his reply to me:

to readers: Here I had pasted the three letter exchange between me and
Sony’s Mr Bose, I have deleted the exchange to make this letter short
for your reading convenience)
protests through mail have started being sent to the Indian office of
Sony, but it appears that the Japanese Company’s Indian representative
does not appear to see the reason that using Hanuman as an object of
game has hurt the feelings of the Hindus.

have challenged through him if Sony would make a similar game out of
Allah or Prophet or Jesus, for which he chose to remain silent. This
game is in total disregard to the sensitivities of a billion people.

am sure that as sensible and sensitive people, the Japanese would take
our feelings into account and immediately order the Indian Sony
subsidiary to withdraw the game product. Please use your good offices
to let Mr.
Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO and President:Sony Corporation know of
this serious hurt caused to Hindus worldwide because of the
indifference of their Indian company and its officials.

would urge my fellow Hindus to boycott all Japanese products, specially
the ones from Sony Corporation, until this game is withdrawn from the

Yours truly,

S V Badri

Here is a sample letter sent in to me by Dr Kalyanaraman, which can be used for registering your protest:


His Excellency, Ambassador of Japan to India, 

cc: Mr. Howard Stringer, Chairman, CEO and President, Sony Corporation
cc: [email protected]
cc: Hindu groups

Sub: Protesting Sony Corporation’s insult to Hindu god Hanuman worshipped by millions of Hindus all over the world.

Hindus, are constrained to bring to your notice an emerging, serious
international scandal indulged in by the prestigious Sony corporation
with its Headquarters based in Japan. 

demand that Government of Japan should demand of Sony Corporation to
instantly withdraw the video game titled: Play Station 2 titled Hanuman
– The Boy Warrior be instantly together with an unqualified apology
from Japanese Government to a billion Hindus whose sentiments have been
hurt by this game. 

do not allow this irresponsible action of a Japanese Corporation to
negatively impact the cordial Indo-Japanese relations.   

there is no prompt intervention and action by Sony Corporation to
withdraw the game, a campaign will be launched to boycott Sony products
and all our friends in the email lists will be urged to do the same.   

are piqued that such a large corporation like Sony does not respect the
sentiments of the practitioners of the most ancient of all
religions.Would Sony have the courage next to make a game featuring
Allah or Prophet Mohammed; maybe, they dare not. 

The details of the video are at http://in.playstation.com/ps2/games/hanuman-boy-warrior/index.html If
good players plays, Hanuman wins; but in the hands of a novice, Hanuman
loses in the game. So Hanuman is an object of game. This is
objectionable and blasphemous. It is a shame that Sony should take the
lead in such ignoble practice. Harrod’s of London apologized to the
Hindus and recalled their products that were demeaning towards the
Hindus and I hope Sony emulates them and follows the suit unless Sony
wants a black face in India. 

Hanuman a divinity revered by millions of Hindus the world over cannot
be the target of those who want to denigrate the “divinities”
worshipped by the Hindus.  

Looking forward to your prompt
and urgent intervention and appropriate action by Sony Corporation
before the issue becomes an international scandal. 

Thanking you for your consideration and looking forward to a line in reply from you.

Yours truly,

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