Why UPA questioning only about Baba Ram Dev’s assets?

via K M RAJAN published on June 12, 2011

The struggle against corruption and black money is getting wide support from all sections of society. It gives an alarm bell to those in authority who fear to take action against the defaulters. It is the general assessment of the common man that the ruling establishment does not want to take action or publish the details of persons who deposited huge black money in foreign countries. Now it has become their strategy to divide the movement by giving false allegations against the leaders who are spear -heading the anti corruption movement. The corrupt politicians and their media friends are most critical about Yoga Guru Baba Ra Dev ji as they fear that Ramdev ji has got wide support base cutting across party lines, hence the action plans of Ramdev ji made them sleepless and nervous. So they targeted him from all corners. The major allegation against him is that his Trust and other charitable institutions have an asset of more than 1000 crores! They also argue that religious leaders should not take up political issues.

    Now the questions arising from the minds of common man is that what is wrong in mobilizing public funds for social service and welfare activities for the fellow citizens  in a lawful manner. In India almost all social movements and spiritual organisations/institutions  have their own Trusts (charitable or otherwise). It is also a fact that many such Trusts have thousands of crores of rupees!  It was in the recent news that Sathya Sai seva Trust have more than 40000 crore. Sathya Sai Seva Trust is doing a commendable social service across the world and it is nothing wrong in having a huge fund for their wide spread social activities for helping the poor and needy. The same is in the case of institutions like Ramakrishna Matt, Matha Amrithanandamayi Matt, Chinmaya Mission etc.  The other religious counterparts also have many such Trusts and their assets may have thousands of crores.  The Christian missionary organizations and their Muslim counterparts are getting huge foreign fund for their propagation/conversion work.

It is not astonishing that now the corrupt politicians and their media friends are questioning only about Baba Ram Dev’s assets!  The reason seems to be that Ram Dev ji dared to raise the issue of impact of black money stashed at foreign countries. The multi national companies and the drug mafia concerned about the call of Swamy Ramdev to boycott their products like coco cola and English medicines. The general public realized that yoga and ayurveda treatment are more beneficial for them in terms of relief, health and expenses. Baba Ramdev ji educated the masses about power of ancient Indian science in his country – wide yoga camps. The Supreme Court has asked the UPA Govt  in a recent directive to clarify their stand and action plan on bringing black money. The successful sathyagraha by Sri.Anna Hazare  for bringing a Lokpal Bill also made problem for the ruling establishment as many of its own cabinet colleagues and party men like Mr. Suresh Kalmadi are behind bars and facing criminal charges of corruption.   

The UPA really worried about Swamy Ram Dev’s  sathyagraha in this juncture as he got wide net work of followers and institutions all over the world.  This seems to be the reason behind for the UPA to rush their four cabinet ministers to receive him in the Airport and dissuade him from his proposed agitation. On course of their negotiations with him, they realized that swami ji is adamant in his demands so some trouble shooters advised them to take a stern stand against him. They were awaiting a reason to crush his movement. The presence of Sadhvi Ritambara in Baba’s agitation platform was sufficient for them to renounce Baba as a Sangh Parivar  supporter and order the mid night police action on 4th June. There were many Muslim and other religious cleric shared the platform of Baba Ramdev on this agitation apart from few hindu sants and sadhvis!

The UPA dispensation find everything connected to nationalism, patriotic songs, photo of Bharat Matha etc. are related to Rashtriya Swayamsevak  Sangh affiliates  and anyone who is using these will be declared as RSS men. They consider that it is easy to divide the people by false allegation of RSS image! Baba Ram Dev and Anna Hazare do not belong to RSS or its affiliated organizations. The view on core national issues like black money, corruption etc. might have similarities in nationalistic organizations and individuals.  One more arguments are now hearing in the media that Sants and spiritual leaders should restrain from political movements and concentrate only on their religious field. When the politicians are failing to take action on general cause, it is the duty of spiritual leaders to advise them and educate the masses. In our freedom movement we have seen many religious leaders actively participated in it and motivated the people. The Bankim Chandra Chatterji’s  famous novel Anand Math (our national song ‘Vande mataram’ is in it) gives the story of struggle by sanyasins against the alien rule! Arya Missionary and martyr Swamy Shradhanand was very much active in Politics (including Indian National Congress).

Now it is understood that the corrupt politicians and their god fathers in media and in general will make obstacles in the anti-corruption movement.  Kanchi Sankaracharya  Sri. Jayendra Saraswathi was implicated in many cases by then ruling establishment when he raised voice of hindu cause in Tamil Nadu. Now the turn is for Swamy Ram Dev who is genuinely raising the national issue of Black money and corruption.  Art of Living Acharya Sri Sri Ravishankar and other Sants who visited Ram Dev ji in Dehradun Hospital may also be victimized if they support Baba’s movement against corruption. The late Sathya Sai Baba who said to have more than 40000 crore asset in his Trust also would have faced similar situation if he could have taken up such issues.  The  Christian/muslim organizations who gets huge foreign fund are also likely to face such situation so they are  cleverly avoiding such matters and concentrating on propagation/conversion works which is their main agenda.

Finally now let us see the promoters of our important national electronic/print media.  See this link  http://www.india-forum.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2209-nexus-between-entities-influencing-india/ to know the true colours of our main media personalities! The following data is also gathered from various internet sites/articles.

Name of Media



Getting Financial support from Gospel of Charity
of Spain


Financial support by Southern Baptist Church and
it has branch in all over the world. Its HQ is in America. This
church spends 800 million dollar for its channel expansion

Times Group

Times of India, Mid Day, Navabharath Times, Star
Dust, Femina, Vijay Times, Vijay Karnatak, Times Now (24 x 7 news
channel) these are the main media of this group ant its ownership
is with Bennet and Colman. 80% of its financial assistance is from
World Christian Council and 20% from an Englishman and a person
who is close to the family of Robertion Minto Sonia Gandhi

Star TV

The owner is from Australia and they gets support
from Peters Pontifical Church of Melbourne

Hindistan Times Group

Earlier it was under the Birla Group and now it
is working with Times Group

The Hindu

One of the oldest English news paper and now being
supported by Joshusha Society of Bern in Switzerland. Mr. N Ram,
the editor-in-chief is very much close to CPI (M) and is one of
the founding members of its student wing SFI.

The Statesman

Controlled by Communists

Asian Age and Deccan Chronicle

Controlled by a company in Saudi Arabia

“we” the people of India should wake up. We never got
independence with Freedom and Swaraj. We got only Independence
without freedom and swaraj and even that is in danger now.


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