“Why not Afzal as V.P?”

via H.Balakrishnan published on July 21, 2007

Letter to Indian Express




This has reference to Aditya Sinha’s brilliant “Why not Dr.Haneef as VP?”- (TNIE-21 JUL).  Its the ‘Old Blightey’ sarcasm at its very best!! Good Sir!!


I have an alternate ‘humble suggestion’. “Why not Afzal Guru as VP”?


Consider the number of points in favour of such a course of action.


 First, India will be sending out a strong and unambiguous signal to the international community that we are a ‘forgiving nation’ and don’t ‘lose sleep’ over minor infarctions like an attack on Parliament.After all ‘its human to err and Divine to forgive’.Such a move would be in keeping with the E.U’s advice to President Kalam on desisting from the capital punishment for Afzal.


Second,such a move will send our ‘seculars’,human rights activists, Leftists,Liberals et al into raptures of ‘heavenly delights’.


Third,it will give a strong fillup to our peace process with Pakistan as we’ll be implicitly agreeing with M’s past pronouncements that the ‘Kashmiri Jihadis’ are not ‘terrorists’ but ‘Freedom Fighters’. What better way to honour Freedom Fighters?


Fourth,it’ll help realise Afzal Jr’s dream of becoming a doctor.Hopefully,the youngster will put the ‘syringe’ to better use as a doctor.


Lastly,and most important,it’ll help our ‘sleepless P.M. get some GOOD SLEEP’!!





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